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Weizmann Institute
- Weizmann Institute
The biomass of cows, pigs, sheep and other farm animals is currently 30 times greater than that of all elephants, elk and other wild land mammals combined
- Weizmann Institute
Weizmann Institute of Science scientists present the rotating quantum microscope
- Weizmann Institute
The space telescope, a flagship project of the Weizmann Institute of Science and the Israel Space Agency, will be launched in 2026 and is expected to revolutionize space exploration
- Weizmann Institute
Weizmann Institute scientists present a new method for imaging a single electron
- Weizmann Institute
In response to environmental and intracellular changes, the proteins in our body don a variety of costumes that change their properties and make their identification difficult. The institute's scientists have developed a ground-breaking search engine capable of efficiently identifying these proteins
- Weizmann Institute
Weizmann Institute scientists have discovered that certain fish are born with immunity to stressful situations, which accompanies them throughout their lives and is even inherited. The findings may pave new directions for the treatment of post-trauma
- Weizmann Institute
The research findings illustrate how changing the synapse map may lead to a change in behavior
- Weizmann Institute
Weizmann Institute of Science scientists presented the possibility of reliable and accurate blood tests for cancer diagnosis
- Weizmann Institute
In a study published today in the scientific journal Cell, Weizmann Institute of Science scientists demonstrated an innovative therapeutic approach that performs "targeted defeat" of unwanted intestinal bacteria using a creative and precise weapon - viruses that attack
- Weizmann Institute
On the genetic equivalent of postal targeting - and on the decisive differences between linear and circular molecules
- Avi Blizovsky
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Segiv and three of his colleagues from the USA won the prize for their contribution to the development of self-assembling materials * The research opens the foundations for building much smaller chips and developing a completely new type of medical diagnostic products
- Weizmann Institute
This is according to a new study by Weizmann Institute scientists. Moreover, the scientists were able to predict in the study what the degree of connection between complete strangers would be just on the basis of their smell as picked up by an "electronic nose"
- Weizmann Institute
The findings obtained through an innovative method based on artificial intelligence are some of the earliest evidence of the use of fire in Israel and in the world
- Weizmann Institute
Institute scientists are updating a version of one of the most classic diagrams in biochemistry books - the Krebs circle
- Weizmann Institute
How did evolution overcome the lack of order in the storage of genetic information in the transition from bacteria to more developed creatures?
- Weizmann Institute
The component was developed based on the research of Prof. Yosef Shaul
- Weizmann Institute
- Weizmann Institute
These findings are among the first to directly link human behavior, brain mechanism and smell molecule
- Weizmann Institute
- Weizmann Institute
Contrary to the image they got, the DNA molecules in the cell nucleus do not float in the center and do not fill most of its volume
- Guest article
- 3 תגובות
Surgeries to sever a lobe of the brain were the solution to epilepsy, but it turned out that we did more harm than good. Now researchers at the Weizmann Institute of Science explain the mechanism that links the two parts of the brain, and why damage to it endangers the
- Weizmann Institute
How can the lifetime of a qubit - the quantum memory unit - be extended?
- Weizmann Institute
Through "evolution in a test tube" scientists of the Weizmann Institute of Science created a molecule that may be used as an effective cure for Corona
- Weizmann Institute
From the creator of yo-yo crystals, now comes the next generation - hollow crystals
- Weizmann Institute
Weizmann Institute scientists have revealed an effect of the gut bacteria on the body's systems mediated through the supply of essential compounds for energy production in the mitochondria