
Histological section of the nasal cavity and turbinates of a mouse that received a nasal vaccine

The immune cells discovered under the nose

The scientists of the Weizmann Institute of Science have discovered antibody-producing cells in the bone tissue of the nasal concha and thereby plant hope for the development of more effective nasal vaccines and new treatments for allergies and neurological and autoimmune diseases
Figure 1. Methods for vaccine production before the corona epidemic. (Courtesy of the Committee for the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine): Use of a weakened or inactive virus and a recombinant protein (the virus) that is transferred to the body via a viral vector and activates the immune system. Courtesy of the Nobel Prize Committee

Nobel Prize in Medicine 2023 for the pioneers in the field of mRNA who accelerated the vaccines for Corona

Kariko and Weissman immediately realized that their discovery was of enormous significance for the possible use of messenger RNA in medicine. These important findings were published in 2005, 15 years before the outbreak of the Corona epidemic.
Monkeypox virus in human vesicular fluid. Electron microscopy reveals "M" virus (Mulberry type) of varicella virus in human vesicular fluid. The surface of type "M" viruses is covered with short, coiled filaments, while type "C" or "capsule" viruses have penetrated inside. Photo:

Fear of an outbreak of monkeypox

Several cases of the viral disease have been discovered in the United States and Europe and health authorities are preparing to stop its spread. The good news: there is an effective vaccine against it
From the right: Dr. Erez Shmoeli, Dr. Yiftach Gefner and Prof. Dan Yamin. Photo: Tel Aviv University spokesperson

Is the vaccine safe? Ask the sensor!

Modern technology will make it possible to determine the safety of vaccines using smart sensors
A scheme describing the mechanism of action of the innovative nanoparticles. Courtesy of MIT

Development of oral RNA vaccines

Researchers have succeeded in developing a method to deliver RNA in a capsule that can be swallowed, a development that will make it easier to take RNA vaccines
Results of a generally insured study on the effectiveness of the corona vaccine

A thorough study of 1.2 million general insureds proves: the corona vaccine is effective

Final results of the Klalit Research Institute regarding the effectiveness of corona vaccines are published in the medical journal The New England Journal of Medicine: after the first vaccine dose: 57% effectiveness in preventing morbidity and reducing
Pfizer's vaccine. Photo:

About the Helsinki Committee - and the dance about the two weddings

In recent days there has been a big uproar regarding the Helsinki Committee, what it determined or did not determine, and what it means for the vaccine. So let's break down the issue, to understand what the Ministry of Health really did wrong, and what
Corona vaccine illustration:

The FDA granted emergency approval for Pfizer and Biotech's corona vaccine

On Friday, the US Food and Drug Administration approved the vaccine for emergency use in people 16 and older. It is now expected that the Ministry of Health will approve the vaccine for emergency use in Israel as well
Summer pregnancy. Illustration: shutterstock

The connection between the flu vaccine in pregnancy and autism in the offspring has been ruled out

A flu vaccine during pregnancy protects the children and women from illness, but does it also have long-term risks? A decade-long follow-up study refutes this.
The innovative RNA vaccine provides the body with the instructions to produce the spike proteins of the corona virus. This protein provides the immune system with an initial and safe introduction to the virus [Image source: NIH]

Corona virus: a new type of vaccine based on RNA

Irrational resistance to vaccines. Illustration: shutterstock

Confidence in vaccines - in the eye of the beholder

the flu. Photo: shutterstock

Why the flu shot can't cause the flu and why you should get vaccinated now

In the figure: three possible strategies for building balls from pentagonal tiles. From left to right: a - tiles that are glued to each other directly, b - tiles that are connected using linear connectors, c - tiles that are connected using triangular connectors. Prof. Ehud Kinan and Dr. Efrat Solel. The Technion

The artificial virus

Climate change denial. Illustration: shutterstock

Pseudoscience is taking over social media with fake news and putting us all at risk

Measles symptoms. Illustration: shutterstock

Measles: There is a way to convince the opponents of vaccines

A dog in the Beit Shean Valley, November 2017, with suspected rabies. He was completely apathetic and moved towards the photographer's vehicle without fear. Photography: Avihai Ran

Rabies - in animals and in humans - an outbreak in northern Israel

Human evolution, according to an abyss. Illustration: shutterstock

The psychological connection between conspiracy theories and creationism

Human papillomavirus vaccine. Source: Pan American Health Organization.

Will Australians succeed in eradicating cervical cancer?

Photo from a malaria vaccination project in the Solomon Islands. Source: Jeremy Miller, AusAID, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Flickr.

I know you from where?

Intestinal bacteria. Illustration Mjak/Shutterstock

Our Personal Immunization Assistants / Catherine Harmon Courage

Vaccination. Illustration: shutterstock

Signs of whooping cough / Tara Hal

cough. Photo: shutterstock

Health sciences - whooping cough as a metaphor / Marin McKenna

T cell in the bloodstream. Illustration: shutterstock

Getting closer to a universal flu vaccine

The polio virus. Illustration: shutterstock

Why vaccinate?

A girl in Peshawar, Pakistan, receives an attenuated polio vaccine in drops in 2002. Photo: shutterstock

Polio: The Circular Arguments of Vaccine Opponents

An Egyptian stamp from 1984 showing a child receiving a vaccine by drops in his mouth. Photo: shutterstock

The polio vaccination campaign will expand to the entire country

The polio virus. Illustration: shutterstock

Polio - the twenty things every parent must know

A boy with smallpox is immortalized on a stamp from Guinea. Photo: shutterstock.

Smallpox viruses threaten again / Sonia Shah

The NK cells are supposed to recognize and attack cells infected with the influenza virus. Illustration courtesy of Yotam Bar-On, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Revealing the secrets of the flu

Edward Jenner. From Wikipedia (free image)

The cow that defeated the black death

Illustration of a human expedition to Mars. Credit: NASA

Space - the spaceship "Humanity" / Cameron M. Smith

Influenza virus strain A. From Wikipedia

Forum - The goal: the super-distributors / Katelyn A. Ryan