Hayadan > Sport
- Davidson Institute
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A precise dosage of water-repellent materials, alongside spacious weaving and utilization of the power of the capillaries, have upgraded the sporting experience for many. The science behind the "drifit"
- Yoram Soreq
- One response
- Dr. Yahyam whistles
- 4 תגובות
- Dr. Yahyam whistles
- One response
- Scientific American Israel
- 3 תגובות
- Scientific American Israel
- One response
- Dr. Yahyam whistles
- 14 תגובות
- Dr. Yahyam whistles
- One response
- The Technion
- 22 תגובות
- Avi Blizovsky
- 21 תגובות
- Dr.Roey Tsezana
- 12 תגובות
- Scientific American Israel
- One response
- Dr. Moshe Nahamani
- 11 תגובות
- Dr. Yahyam whistles
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- Dr. Yahyam whistles
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- Dr. Yahyam whistles
- One response
- Dr. Yahyam whistles
- One response