Roy Cezana

Researchers have developed an algorithm known as ART - Automated Recommendation Tool. Art received an enormous amount of information about the set of proteins in the cell, and as a result he could predict how changes in those proteins would affect the substances
If they had to choose the outstanding scientific development of 2020 it would undoubtedly be an mRNA-based vaccine. Dr.Roey Tsezana explains
Many theories have been proposed in the past - and are still being proposed - as a way to explain the phenomenon of aging. In recent years, a new theory has been added to them that explains aging. Seemingly, there is nothing new in this, but really
Dr.Roey Tsezana explains the importance of the development of Google researchers who succeeded in developing an artificial intelligence that can understand how proteins fold
And here is the question: think about the annual resource consumption of countries. In the United States - a developed country by all accounts - has the annual consumption of resources decreased, increased, or remained the same in the last twenty years?