Quantum computing

FLAME system: store light particles on electron orbits. Source: Weizmann Institute magazine.

stop the light

Intel has invented a production stream of spin qubits based on its 300mm process technology that uses isotopically pure wafers like this one. Credit: Intel.

Intel is testing silicon "spin qubits" to realize quantum computing

The IBM Q quantum computer has 50 quantum bits. Source: IBM.

For the first time: IBM introduces a quantum computer with a 50-bit processor

Illustration. "In these days," says Prof. Polman, "in which enormous efforts are being invested in all the countries of the world in order to develop quantum technologies, such as the quantum computer, it is extremely important to understand the basic processes that occur when quantum operations are performed on a particle that change its state. Source: NASA/Sonoma State University /Aurore Simonnet.

A unique quantum measurement was performed at Ben-Gurion University

Quantum computers will be able to crack encrypted transmissions that are considered unbreakable today, but it is likely that quantum encryption will predate them. Illustration: pixabay.

The race to build an uncrackable computer network

Measurement of heat transfer in a clean sample of graphene. Left: optical image of the graphene sample. Right: The thermal imaging reveals a chain of rings that is the boundary of a unique process of heat transfer occurring in the sample.

warm, diffuse

Researchers have shown that two photons, seen here as waves (right and left), can connect a short distance apart. Under certain conditions, these photons can create a state similar to a diatomic molecule, a state shown by the shape of the blue dumbbell in the center of the movement. Figure: NIST

Is it possible to make molecules composed of light?

Schematic illustration of a molecular junction functioning as a diode created using asymmetric areas of an electrode that allows the current to move in only one direction. [Courtesy: Berkeley Lab and Columbia University]

Single molecule diode

Random phenomena. Illustration: shutterstock

There is an option for safe encryption - quantum encryption

In the sheet of the material graphene (the horizontal surface with the hexagonal pattern of carbon atoms) placed in a strong magnetic field, electrons can move along the edges, and are prevented from moving in the inner part of the sheet. In addition, in these languages, only the electrons with the appropriate spin will move in one direction only (the blue arrow), while the electrons with the opposite spin (the red arrow) are prevented from moving. [Courtesy of the researchers].

What is between graphene and quantum computing?

Germanium laser. Photo: MIT

Scientists managed to "freeze" light rays for a whole minute

Quantum tunneling. Image: University of Texas

NASA and Google intend to use a kind of quantum computer

Quantum computing. From the Nobel Prize presentation on the Prize Committee website

Physics - the non-quantum quantum / David Tong

The scene of transferring humans using the tow beam from the spaceship Enterprise to the land of the nearby planet from the series Star Trek.

Beam me up Scotty: But only for quantum particles

Prof. David Wineland, from Wikipedia

Controlling particles in the quantum world

Researchers at Georgia Tech are preparing rubidium for the Rydberg state - to release photons for quantum computing. Photo: Georgia Tech University

Efficient production of discrete photons for quantum computing

The facility at NIST where the experiment was done on interweaving atoms together to create a QBIT

A breakthrough in the development of quantum computers: weaving two atoms together

The journal Nature reported yesterday (Thursday) that scientists have developed a new type of ion trapping technology that is the basis of the qubit - the storage unit in a quantum computer, which uses microwave radiation to perform
A quantum computer. Illustration: IBM

A single atom capable of storing quantum information

From the right: Dorja Bhaktavatsela Ra Dasari, Prof. Gershon Kuritsky and Prof. Lucio Friedman.

Warmth and order

Quantum storage

Hard quantum disks on the horizon

Exciton. Figure: APS National Laboratories, USA

Technion researchers illuminate the dark exciton for the first time

Imaginary particles. Illustration: Weizmann Institute magazine

currents of energy

Plastic memory. Image: Ohio University

Plastic computer memory device

The Jacquard loom on display at the Museum of Science and Industry in Manchester was one of the first devices that could be programmed.

The next twenty years of microchips

A quantum computer. Illustration: IBM

A quantum computer for calculating the energy of hydrogen

Cosmic scene with DNA, stars, solvents and atomic circles in oral flow.

control of photons

Cosmic scene with DNA, stars, solvents and atomic circles in oral flow.

Trying to overcome the noise in a quantum computer

Cosmic scene with DNA, stars, solvents and atomic circles in oral flow.

The road to a quantum computer has shortened significantly

Cosmic scene with DNA, stars, solvents and atomic circles in oral flow.

When an atom and two photons meet...

Cosmic scene with DNA, stars, solvents and atomic circles in oral flow.

No more computer hacking - practical quantum encryption

Cosmic scene with DNA, stars, solvents and atomic circles in oral flow.

Think small