Planetary Sciences

Red worms dig in the compost. Even the worms that exist today mix substances. Illustration:

Worms - uncredited heroes of evolution

The researchers examined the relationship between sediment mixing caused, in part, by burrowing worms with a mineral called pyrite, which plays a key role in oxygen accumulation. As more pyrite is formed and buried under the mud, sand or
The 360-meter-diameter asteroid Apophis will come very close to Earth on April 13, 2029. Credit: Jonathan Mennell / via Eyes on the Solar System, NASA/JPL

Approaching an asteroid: Exploring Apophis using advanced minisatellites

German researchers and the German Space Agency will try three strategies for the study of the asteroid that will approach in 2029 to a distance of 31 thousand km from the Earth
An artist's concept of WASP-107 b shows turbulent atmospheric mixing within the planet's gas mantle. Credit: Roberto Muller Candanosa/Johns Hopkins University NASA, ESA, CSA, Ralf Crawford (STScI)

The Webb Space Telescope offers the first glimpse into the interior of an extrasolar planet

Methane found in WASP-107 b reveals core mass and stormy sky
Is it possible to reconstruct the Earth's magnetic history using glacier samples?

The Earth's magnetic history is written in ice

Good potential for living. The Tigarden red dwarf and two planets, next to our solar system Illustration: University of Göttingen

Scientists have discovered evidence of two Earth-like planets orbiting a small sun only 12.5 light-years away.

A short passage that should reveal an unknown celestial gram. New Horizons visualization near Thule Ultima (not to scale) | Source: NASA

Three and a half years after Pluto, New Horizons flew past Thule Ultima in the Kuiper belt

The north pole of Enceladus. Source: NASA.

The north pole of Enceladus


 Keres - additional findings

Photo of Pluto from New Horizons in which Pluto's atmosphere can be seen. Source: NASA.

Pluto - additional findings

[Courtesy: NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center]

The water on the moon may be stationary and spread over a large area

Ice has been discovered only one meter deep below the surface of Mars

The Cassini spacecraft in the vicinity of Saturn and its rings. Image: NASA/JPL.

2017 in space - the end of the Cassini mission to Saturn

Ultraviolet and infrared shielding of the moon Titan, with which it is possible to penetrate through the atmosphere of the moon, which hides the surface when viewed in the visible light range. Artificial color image, taken by Cassini in 2004. Source: NASA/JPL/Space Science Institute.

Titan - new findings - part two

The moon discussed in a Cassini photograph in 2005. Source: NASA/JPL-Caltech.

Dione - New findings from Saturn's moon

Neptune in a Voyager 2 photograph in 1989. In the photo you can see the huge storm the big dark spot in the center, and below it a smaller storm is given the nickname "dark spot 2". Source: NASA/JPL.

Neptune-Rahab - findings from recent years

Israeli researchers propose a hypothesis that the Trojan asteroids of Mars were formed as a result of a giant collision. Image: pixabay.

What is the origin of the Martian Trojan asteroids?

Uranus as photographed up close by the Voyager 2 spacecraft. Photo: NASA

Destination: Uranus

"Green rust" (left), which was produced in Halevi's laboratory under conditions similar to those that existed in the oceans from the Precambrian period. Electron micrographs (right) show thin, hexagonal-shaped plaques characteristic of "green rust." Source: Weizmann Institute magazine.

The mystery of the green rust

Pluto in a photograph with artificial color designed to highlight differences in its surface, taken by New Horizons on July 14, 2015. Source: NASA.

Pluto - summary of findings, part four

Illustration of a protoplanetary disc around a young star. Imaging: NASA/JPL-Caltech/T. Pyle.

The tumultuous resume of the solar system

The dwarf planet collapsed. Source: NASA.

Keres - summary of findings

Pluto's north pole. Source: NASA.

Pluto - summary of findings, part three

Pluto's majestic mountains, icy plains and misty haze as photographed just 15 minutes after New Horizons' closest approach to Pluto on July 14, 2015. Photo: NASA / JHUAPL / SwRI

Pluto - summary of findings, part two

Pluto in a photograph with artificial color designed to highlight differences in its surface, taken by New Horizons on July 14, 2015. Source: NASA.

Pluto - summary of findings, first part

Pluto's moons

Charon Moon A color enhanced image of the Charon Moon as seen by the New Horizons probe on July 14, 2015 during a flyby of Pluto. Source: NASA.

Charon, Pluto's moon - summary of findings

Cosmic scene with DNA, stars, solvents and atomic circles in oral flow.

Why don't moons have moons?