Extraterrestrial life

This artist's concept shows NASA's Europa Clipper spacecraft as it orbits Jupiter and passes over the icy moon Europa. The mission, scheduled to reach Jupiter in April 2030, will be the first to conduct an in-depth study of Europa. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech

NASA's Europa Clipper launches: A bold search for life on Jupiter's icy moon

The largest spacecraft ever built for an interplanetary mission has begun its long journey to explore Europa, with the goal of uncovering the secrets of the ocean beneath the ice and possibly finding evidence of extraterrestrial life.
Photograph of the Earth and the Moon by the Galileo spacecraft. Photo: NASA

Carl Sagan discovered life on Earth 30 years ago - how his experiment helps us look for alien species today

It's been 30 years since a group of scientists led by Carl Sagan found evidence of life on Earth using data from instruments aboard NASA's Galileo space probe and only a combination of instruments ignoring
Mount Sharp in Gale Crater on Mars, which has been explored by NASA's Curiosity rover since 2012. Source: NASA.

Could there be life on the surface of the planet Mars?

Water vapor and mineral particles drift into space from the surface of the moon Enceladus, one of the icy moons orbiting Saturn. Metamorphoses hint at the existence of an ocean beneath the ice and the fascinating possibility that it contains life. Artist rendering: NASA / David Seal.

Is there life on one of Saturn's icy moons?

Simulation of extrasolar planets. Source: NASA

Planets for the most part - there is no life