
Dr. Yasmin Maroz in the hothouse. Photo: Tel Aviv University spokeswoman

The sunflower dance party

In their growth, the sunflowers "dance" so as not to hide the sun from each other. The surprising study sheds light on a scientific puzzle that has occupied researchers since Darwin's day
Debating the theory of evolution in the classroom, science education versus religious belief. The image was prepared using DALEE in January 2025 and is not a scientific image

Why don't you want to learn evolution?

Today, in educational institutions, students are not required to study evolution; The subject is offered in the biology curriculum as an optional chapter only. Why does the idea of ​​evolution arouse such strong opposition?
The chicken and egg paradox. Photo: shutterstock

This is the end of the chicken and egg paradox

Alfred Russel Wallace in a photograph from 1895. From Wikipedia

The forgotten father of the theory of evolution

A humorous look at human evolution. Image: POSSAN - Wikimedia Commons

A process is not a theory, a fact is not an assumption

God according to Michelangelo

Does the theory of evolution disprove the existence of God?

Galapagos tortoises are the largest land tortoises in the world. In fact, the islands are named after the turtles, whose armor reminded the Spanish sailors of the shape of a saddle called Galapagos. Photo: Amir Gur (c)

Islands in the Humboldt Stream

A 19th century cartoon depicting Darwin as a monkey

Einstein and Darwin: A Tale of Two Theories

Artist's perception - the sun as a changing star that seems very fixed to us

The Age of the Sun and Darwinism

The introduction to the book "History of Science" by John Gribbin

Cosmic scene with DNA, stars, solvents and atomic circles in oral flow.

A new (biological) species is born

Cosmic scene with DNA, stars, solvents and atomic circles in oral flow.

Darwin's Origin of Species - a biography of a book

Cosmic scene with DNA, stars, solvents and atomic circles in oral flow.

Misconceptions about evolution - part XNUMX - who first came up with the idea?

Cosmic scene with DNA, stars, solvents and atomic circles in oral flow.

Misconceptions about evolution - Part I

Cosmic scene with DNA, stars, solvents and atomic circles in oral flow.

The Darwin exhibition opened at the Science Museum in Jerusalem

Cosmic scene with DNA, stars, solvents and atomic circles in oral flow.

Darwin versus the fundamentalists

Cosmic scene with DNA, stars, solvents and atomic circles in oral flow.

Key concepts in the theory of evolution

Cosmic scene with DNA, stars, solvents and atomic circles in oral flow.

Darwin's living legacy

Cosmic scene with DNA, stars, solvents and atomic circles in oral flow.

What Darwin and Lincoln have in common, and not just the birthday

Cosmic scene with DNA, stars, solvents and atomic circles in oral flow.

Darwin as a bridge between microevolution and macroevolution

Cosmic scene with DNA, stars, solvents and atomic circles in oral flow.

Happy birthday Darwin - today he is 200 years old

Cosmic scene with DNA, stars, solvents and atomic circles in oral flow.

200 years since Darwin's birth - evolution still faces its deniers

Cosmic scene with DNA, stars, solvents and atomic circles in oral flow.

Introduction to the book "Darwin's Slow Evolution"

Cosmic scene with DNA, stars, solvents and atomic circles in oral flow.

Pope to Hawking: God directs evolution

Cosmic scene with DNA, stars, solvents and atomic circles in oral flow.

An insult to reason

Cosmic scene with DNA, stars, solvents and atomic circles in oral flow.

And he even intended to be a priest and help the poor

Cosmic scene with DNA, stars, solvents and atomic circles in oral flow.

A literary critic or a literary critic?

Cosmic scene with DNA, stars, solvents and atomic circles in oral flow.

Because of the damage to the environment: man causes the acceleration of evolution

Cosmic scene with DNA, stars, solvents and atomic circles in oral flow.

First chapter from a new book: Darwin's Slow Evolution by Davy Cowman