Climate conference in Glasgow 2021

Protesters wear masks of leaders blamed for the climate crisis as banned for it in Glasgow, Scotland during the COP26 conference. Photo: shutterstock

Five things to know about the Glasgow Climate Agreement

The agreement signed in Glasgow was weak. And still companies and countries can cheat in the carbon market. However, there is a chance for some improvements next year in Egypt, and public pressure is needed to prevent investments from the energy companies
This image of Earth from afar, known as the Blue Sphere, was taken by the astronauts aboard Apollo 17. NASAMarshall/Flickr, CC BY-SA

50 years ago, humans took the first full picture of the Earth from space - the climate crisis means it's time to take another picture from the same angle

Many news reports covering Shatner's trip failed to mention his comments about the fragility of the Earth's atmosphere: comments that could easily have been aimed at the heads of state attending the climate change conference in
Flag of the Glasgow Climate Conference. Illustration:

Before the UN climate conference in Glasgow - the most urgent things that need to be done

In preparation for the conference (COP26), which is of enormous importance and fateful for the future, the UN institutions are publishing seven main sections that will outline the initiatives and actions that the participants will need to decide and approve. Below is the list