
The members of the space mission from the Weizmann Institute of Science (right to left): Dr. Eli Galanti, Prof. Yohai Caspi and Maria Smirnova

By 2031 you will reach justice: Israeli technology on the way to deep space

A blue-and-white device that was created especially for an experiment by Weizmann Institute of Science scientists was launched to the planet Jupiter, as part of an international research mission of the European Space Agency
Exploring Jupiter and Ganymede using the JUICE spacecraft - artist impression. Figure: European Space Agency

The Israeli point of the JUICE spacecraft that will be launched to Tzedek this week

The European Space Agency ESA will launch on 13/4 the JUICE spacecraft on the historic mission to Jupiter, with technologies and scientific research funded by the Israel Space Agency at the Ministry of Innovation, Science and Technology
Don't be afraid of the future. From Jumpstory

Should we worry about quantum computers?

Triton and Neptune (simulation). It is hypothesized that Triton came from outside the solar system and was caught in Neptune's gravitational field

Will an Israeli atomic clock fly to Neptune's moon Rahab?

Quantum computing. Illustration: shutterstock

The Association for the Development of Quantum Technologies was established

The planet Jupiter. Credit: NASA/JPL/University of Arizona

An Israeli atomic clock will be launched to the planet Jupiter