A car without a driver

Autonomous driving, the military version

Transportation networks of vehicles equipped with sensors and smart nodes will change from end to end the way we move in the city. Illustration: Jaguar MENA / Flickr.

How driverless cars will change life in the city

Will autonomous cars coexist with human-driven cars at the same time? Image: pixabay.

Will autonomous cars coexist with human-driven cars at the same time?

Tesla Model 3 vehicles. Source: Steve Jurvetson.

The future of electric vehicles - and the meaning for all of us

Illustration: NVIDIA Corporation.

Automatic, not autonomous

Illustration: NVIDIA Corporation.

The computer also needs to pass a test

Liam Pedersen, director of Nissan's California laboratory next to a LEAF autonomous electric car at CES 2017 in Las Vegas. Photo: Avi Blizovsky

From the Mars vehicles to the autonomous vehicle and back

Prof. Arel Avinari, head of the infrastructure systems engineering and management program at Afka College, and head of the Center for Infrastructure and Logistics. Photo: Niv Kantor

The smart car - the blessing and the curse

Google's driverless car drives down the road in California. Source: Wikimedia / Michael Shick.

Who is responsible when the wheel is in the car's hands?

Volvo FH series trucks. PR photo

An autonomous truck inspired by nature and design thoughts

Mercedes F 015 car. PR photo

The driver's seat is facing backwards

A minibus without a driver is being tested in the city of Leon, Spain. Photo: sigur / Shutterstock.com

Robots with a driver's license / Korin Yotsio