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Prof. Rani Bodnik from the Department of Particle Physics and Astrophysics at the Weizmann Institute of Science is a partner in this research, and among other things built the control and calibration systems and took part in the data analysis
Researchers examine the interface between these two theories, using ultra-high-energy neutrinos detected by a particle detector placed deep inside the Antarctic ice sheet at the South Pole
The facility, named JUNO, consists of a huge tank that surrounds an array of detectors. The container contains a substance that causes a scintillation which is recorded in the detectors and thus allows to identify a neutrino event, its type and mass, since the neutrino particles change
A special article in honor of Hebrew new year summarizing the creation of the world through the lens of science
A group of international researchers, including from the Hebrew University and the Weizmann Institute, discovered the particle that arrived following an emission event that occurred in 2019