magic cave

Three archaeological items, three different degrees of heat (right, not to scale): blade, chipped spatter, and spontaneously spattered flint shards

Controlled use of fire to create tools - already about 300 thousand years ago

Researchers at the Weizmann Institute of Science and Tel Aviv University have recently applied their own sophisticated technologies to examine how stone tools were produced at the end of the Paleolithic period found in Kesem Cave near Rosh Ha'Ein
Signs of dissection, cutting and shattering on limb bones of donkeys from Kesem Cave. Photo: Ruth Blasko

Man stored food long-term as early as 400 years ago

She took a deep breath. Helps complete the prehistoric puzzle. Photo: Kentish Plumber, Flickr.

What did Rosh Ein look like in the days of ancient man?

The oldest modern human teeth discovered in Kesem Cave. Photo: Israel Hershkovitz, Tel Aviv University

Why did the ancient man from the beginning of the eye cause a storm on the Internet?

The oldest modern human teeth discovered in Kesem Cave. Photo: Israel Hershkovitz, Tel Aviv University

The oldest modern human remains were discovered in a cave near Rosh Ha'Ain