Earth's mantle

Magnesium oxide, the first component that crystallized in the process of creating a planet slightly larger than Earth. The image was prepared using DALEE and should not be considered a scientific image

Scientists discover the first building blocks in the formation of super-Earths

Scientists observed for the first time how atoms in a magnesium oxide molecule change and dissociate under extremely harsh conditions, and gained new insights into this important mineral in the Earth's mantle that is known to influence the formation of planets
The collision between Thea and Earth. Illustration:

Strange lumps in the depths of the Earth's mantle are remnants of the planet from the collision that also created the moon

The new research from Calcutta suggests that remnants of that ancient planet known as Theia are still inside the Earth and explain the origin of the "lumps" near the core-mantle boundary. Other remnants of it coalesced to form the