brain-computer interface

A robot implants a chip in a person. The image was prepared by DALEE artificial intelligence software after reading the article. It should not be seen as a scientific picture

Elon Musk's Neuralnik Implanted a Chip in a Man's Brain: Medical and Ethical Implications

The chip should provide a variety of health and scientific benefits, including the ability to measure brain activity and give people with physical or mental disabilities new abilities. However, Musk's company and Musk in general have a history
brain computer interface. Photo:

When can I upload my brain to the computer?

Reader's question: I am 59 years old, and in fairly good health. Is it possible that I will live long enough to put my brain into a computer? Richard Dixon.
An artist's illustration of the surface of Proxima b, an Earth-like world orbiting the closest star to the Sun - Proxima Centauri. Image: ESO / M. Kornmesser

2016: a fascinating scientific year

Restoring sensation using a robotic arm. Photo: University of Pittsburgh

A computer that helps paralyzed people feel again

F-15 fighter jet. Is it possible to use the minds of the pilots at high speed, as tools for identifying and detecting targets? From Wikipedia

DARPA integrates human brains into the military computer systems

Robots demonstrate gadgets, Svit Exhibition, Hanover. Photo: Avi Blizovsky

Driving a car using only the brain

The basal ganglia and related brain structures

deep inside the brain

MRI scan of the brain. From the Franklin Institute website

The mind readers

Honda's Asimo robot demonstrates a connection between a human brain and a machine

Intel joins the search for technology to operate devices through thought

Cosmic scene with DNA, stars, solvents and atomic circles in oral flow.

Emails and computer games with the power of thought

Google translate (google translate) The first attempt to enable the translation of web pages between languages. Between English and European languages ​​it works well, in the case of translation into Hebrew - a little less (January 2011)

To speak Chinese in Hebrew/ Dr. Aharon Hauptman

Cosmic scene with DNA, stars, solvents and atomic circles in oral flow.

The computer and the brain according to Asimov

Cosmic scene with DNA, stars, solvents and atomic circles in oral flow.

Robots of information