Hayadan > Melanoma
- The Hebrew University
Researchers from Tel Aviv University have developed an innovative platform based on nanoparticles, which enables the precise transport of two drugs at the same time to cancerous tumor sites, while improving treatment efficiency and reducing toxicity to healthy cells.
- Avi Blizovsky
- One response
Prof. Carmit Levy: Immunotherapy has revolutionized cancer treatment," explains Prof. Carmi, "but about 50% of patients do not respond to the standard treatment - the PD-L1 protein. We found a new protein Ly6a against which treatment with an antibody
- Weizmann Institute
The method that may make the new generation of cancer treatments accessible to more patients
- The Technion
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- Weizmann Institute
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- Weizmann Institute
- One response
- Tel Aviv University
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- Tel Aviv University
- 4 תגובות
- Tel Aviv University
- One response
- Weizmann Institute
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- Tel Aviv University
- 3 תגובות
- Avi Blizovsky
- One response
- The science service
- 2 תגובות
- Weizmann Institute
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- Dr. Moshe Nahamani
- 3 תגובות
- Galileo - The Science Magazine
- 2 תגובות