Hayadan > universe
- Avi Blizovsky
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Astronomers have discovered for the first time pairs of binary star systems, consisting of the remnant of a dead star (a white dwarf) and a living star (a main sequence star), within young clusters
- Avi Blizovsky
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New research sheds light on the origin of low-frequency ripples in space-time
Berea Chapter from: "The Milky Way Autobiography of Our Galaxy" by Dr. Moya McTeer, Mater Publishing
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Chapter from: "The Milky Way Autobiography of Our Galaxy" by Dr. Moya Maktir, Mater Publishing. Translation: Adi Marcuse Hess, Editing: Helit Yanai
- Scientific American Israel
- 48 תגובות
- Galileo - The Science Magazine
- 117 תגובות
- Haim Mazar
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