wild animals

"This method does not harm the nesting bird as it continues incubating without knowing that the eggs will not hatch" visualization, Yohai Rotem

Nests against invaders: humane control of species

An Israeli industrial designer has developed a smart nest that prevents the development of minnow eggs without harming the bird - has the solution been found to eradicate the notorious invasive bird?
Crow in the desert. Photography: Ran Natan

Wise from the source: the surprising minds of the desert crows

The crows have become a routine part of our landscape. How smart are they really, and why is one species more successful than another?
A long-tailed macaque with a plastic cup in Singapore. Almost everywhere there are people, there is also plastic. Photography: Amos Chua

What happens when plastic reaches the forests and what does it have to do with monkeys?

A female golden jackal in Yarkon Park. Photo: Artemy Voikhansky, Wikipedia.

How do you stop rabies?

The eastern lowland gorilla. Endangered. Source: Hans De Bisschop / flickr.

A world is disappearing

Herds of animals in Africa. Photo: COLOMBO NICOLA/Shutterstock

Saving Africa's Wildlife Part II

Cecil, a lion that is a national symbol. Photo: Daughter#3, Wikipedia

White Hunter, Black Silver