
Prof. Uriel Abolof, photo: Shani Ibel

Hasn't our hope been lost yet?

Prof. Uriel Abolof from the School of Political Science, Government and International Relations at Tel Aviv University, teaches a course on hope and the human condition, which was named the best online course in the world in political science and philosophy
Hadas Calderon with a picture of her son Erez who was kidnapped to Gaza together with his father Ofer and his sister Sahar. The photo was taken on October 30, 2023. Sahar and Erez were later released. Ofer is still in captivity. Photo: L.A.M

The nervous mechanism that goes wrong as a result of exposure to a severe event at a tender age

Weizmann Institute of Science scientists reveal in unprecedented detail how trauma in newborn mice shapes their brains and impairs their social functions in adulthood * A corresponding behavioral expression in humans may take the form of
Shafra Buchris, a police officer who rescued ten of the party participants in the bad guys. The massacre in the Gaza Strip is considered a war crime. Screen shot Channel 11

How do the 'laws of war' apply to the conflict between Israel and Hamas

Prof. Robert Goldman, an expert on the laws of war at the American University, explains how the laws of war apply to the current conflict between Israel and Hamas in the Gaza Strip