wild hogs

Most of the wolves in Israel are found in the Golan Heights and the Arabah. Photo: Shlomo Priceblom

About wolves and other animals: how does the predator affect the mammals in the Golan Heights?

A new Israeli study examined how the presence of wolves affects the activity of large mammals. The findings reinforce the importance of the predator in maintaining the integrity of the ecosystem
A sign warning about an area where wild pigs roam in Haifa. Photo: Haifa Municipality

An experiment was conducted at Tivon as part of the effort to find a solution to the wild boar problem

The collaboration between the Kiryat Tivon local council and the Department of Biology and Environment of the University of Haifa - Oranim led to the promotion of two important studies, the findings of which may provide an answer and an effective solution to the national problem of