
MWA detectors in Western Australia will assist in the search for signs of extraterrestrial technology. Photo: STI Institute

A first-of-its-kind study will scan 2,800 galaxies for extraterrestrial technology

The SETI Institute, the SETI Research Center in Berkeley, and the International Center for Radio Astronomy Research in Western Australia. The research is the first attempt to search for extraterrestrial technology in galaxies outside our galaxy, focusing on low frequencies
Aliens abduct a human into their flying saucer. Illustration: depositphotos.com

Belief in alien visits to Earth is getting out of control - here's why it's so dangerous 

In an article accepted for publication in the Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, Tony Milligan, a researcher in the philosophy of ethics, King's College London, argues that the belief in alien visitation is no longer a whim, but a widespread social problem
A meeting between humans and aliens. Illustration: shutterstock

If we ever encounter aliens, can we understand them?

Simulation of extrasolar planets. Source: NASA

Planets for the most part - there is no life

A plaque that was attached to the Pioneer 10 spacecraft, so that if aliens ever encountered it they would know where it came from. From Wikipedia

Should we meet extraterrestrials? Should they meet us?

The alleged alien analyzed in the film Sirius. From the movie (promo picture)

The film Sirius - the story of the recycled alien

"The Third Day" movie poster Flying saucer over the White House - only in movies.

Search for ET - no evidence yet

Paul Davis

ET rang home

easter island From Wikipedia

Colonialism - the next generation

Cosmic scene with DNA, stars, solvents and atomic circles in oral flow.

The metaphysics of high tech