composite materials

The multi-layered structures of two different biological species: the cuticle (cuticle), the external skeleton of the scorpion, and the spicule (spicule), the internal skeleton of the sea sponge (the zoom level in the diagram increases from left to right)

The scorpion and the sponge present: food for thought

Weizmann Institute of Science scientists draw inspiration from nature in developing new materials for a greener future
Plastic waste washed ashore on the island of Bali. Illustration:

Green, hard, flexible and even edible

Plastic waste accumulates in the heart of the oceans and on the ground and tiny plastic particles enter our bloodstream. As long as suitable substitutes are not found for the common industrial material, this pollution is expected to continue and even increase. Institute scientists
Astronauts walk on Mars soil. Illustration:

The science of survival on Mars: What really protects astronauts from radiation

Effective radiation shielding materials such as plastics, rubber, synthetic fibers and Martian soil have been identified as protecting astronauts on Mars, increasing the viability of long-duration missions and future settlement plans
A composite nanomaterial as seen in an electron microscope: carbon nanotubes (thin wires) separated from each other are wrapped around cylindrical crystals of an organic dye. Photo: Boaz Rivchinsky, Weizmann Institute

Just mix and serve

A metamaterial developed by researchers from Tel Aviv University and the Netherlands. Screenshot from the researchers' video

A metamaterial that can be produced to fit any pattern

Right: Prof. Daniel Wagner and Dr. Benny Bar-On. Self-organized. Photo: Weizmann Institute

Imitation with teeth

A propeller into which the yellow coloring matter was injected using the new technology. Photo: Fraunhofer UMSICHT

Carbon dioxide as a filler for plastic

Xiang-zhang. Photo credit Roy Kaltschmidt, Berkeley Lab Public Affairs

A strange twist in the plot - Mobius symmetry was found in supermaterials

It is enough to clamp the nanogenerator on the fingers so that it produces enough electricity to operate the liquid-crystal display

Nanogenerators for powering electronic devices


Synthetic shells made of chalk and polymer

Cosmic scene with DNA, stars, solvents and atomic circles in oral flow.

Strange simple matter - preparation of a supersolid by extremely cold gas atoms

Cosmic scene with DNA, stars, solvents and atomic circles in oral flow.

the very thing

Cosmic scene with DNA, stars, solvents and atomic circles in oral flow.

A plastic capable of conducting electricity

Cosmic scene with DNA, stars, solvents and atomic circles in oral flow.

Boeing 787 - the first composite plane