Environmentally friendly materials

The multi-layered structures of two different biological species: the cuticle (cuticle), the external skeleton of the scorpion, and the spicule (spicule), the internal skeleton of the sea sponge (the zoom level in the diagram increases from left to right)

The scorpion and the sponge present: food for thought

Weizmann Institute of Science scientists draw inspiration from nature in developing new materials for a greener future
Today it is understood that Ofrat is not child's play. Illustration: depositphotos.com

A lead-free future

Weizmann Institute of Science scientists have created a new ceramic material that may replace lead-based components in a large number of electronic devices - from cell phones to printers
The white cells in the shrimp tail. Photo: Ben Gurion University

The shrimp redefines the laws of optics

The shrimp has a particularly bright white color on its back and limbs that are intended to attract fish, which it 'cleanses' of pests it feeds on. A thorough examination of the white matter using special electron microscopes revealed