materials and surfaces

Strontium titanate at atomic resolution. split personality

Crystalline personality disorder

Hallide perovskite crystals - a simple production process and a feast for the eyes


Nano technology. Illustration: shutterstock

Between two worlds: about tiny devices in a big world

From the right: Prof. Shmuel Shafran, Prof. Jacob Klein and Dr. Gilad Silbert. Photo: Weizmann Institute Spokesperson

at the nanopore speed

Disassemble the joints

Tire friction marks on road. Illustration: shutterstock

Sticks and slides

batteries. Photo: Oleksiy Mark/Shutterstock

They made you a battery / Catherine Burzak

Adjusters of the movement velocities of water drops in a two-dimensional system. Red marking represents droplet pairs with a positive correlation, and blue marking represents droplet pairs with a negative correlation

order in disorder

Prof. Rashef Tana, Weizmann Institute

Clean future - new materials for green energy storage

Scanning electron microscope photograph of a logic circuit based on 14 nanowires

In the right place, in the right direction

Surface exploration. Illustration: KRUSS company

For the first time ever, a magnetic soap was developed

Right: Prof. Daniel Wagner and Dr. Benny Bar-On. Self-organized. Photo: Weizmann Institute

Imitation with teeth