
rats. Illustration: depositphotos.com

Were rats responsible for the Black Death epidemic, and what is their role in the Corona epidemic?

New studies dispute the assertion that the rats were the ones who transmitted the Black Death, but in any case it turns out that they could be a storehouse of viruses from the corona family
As the word spread and panic gripped the public, the city officials ordered the killing of London's cats and dogs on the assumption that the fleas they carry were spreading the deadly bacteria. The assumption was not wrong - fleas do indeed carry the disease-causing bacteria - but the trustees of public health forgot an important factor in the equation: the rats. Photo: H. Zell, Wikimedia.

Mustache signature

A tiny stingray fish, which is half animal and half machine. The fish consists of genetically modified rat muscle cells. The muscle cells are what actually allow the fish's wings to move in response to flashes of light. On the right is a real fish of this species

A fish robot powered by a rat muscle

and an illustration describing the laboratory and method of work of Associate Professor Avital. The video shows the wearing of the rat in a "vest". Photos: Technion spokespeople

Rats detect explosives

The hexagonal structure of the lattice cells

Knitted - between space and time

Cosmic scene with DNA, stars, solvents and atomic circles in oral flow.

Rat DNA may tell about marine migrations

Cosmic scene with DNA, stars, solvents and atomic circles in oral flow.

Scientists mapped the rat's DNA

Cosmic scene with DNA, stars, solvents and atomic circles in oral flow.

New development: rats will help rescue disaster victims