
The solar cell based on the flexible form could be used in applications where more expensive solar cells are currently used [source: Liu et al, Nature 2023]

Silicon flexible solar cells

Researchers have demonstrated an innovative method for producing flexible silicon solar cells that are twenty-four percent more efficient than the cells known today and can still be rolled like a sheet of paper * The findings could allow the use
The branched structures of the glass needle of the sea sponge. Courtesy of the Technion spokesperson.

The glass craftsman

One waste, two rules: bottles in deposit and packaging. Source: pixabay.

The end of the glass recycling industry in Israel?

An example of biomimicry: researchers imitated the array of cracks they uncovered in the pearl shell to create glass 200 times stronger than normal glass. Photo: Didier Descouens / Wikimedia.

Smart materials inspired by nature

A XNUMXD printed cup. Photo: MIT Media Lab

Will XNUMXD glass printing make it possible to produce dynamic structures like in nature?

Prof. Itamar Procacia

fault line

Cosmic scene with DNA, stars, solvents and atomic circles in oral flow.

Environmentally friendly acrylic glass made of sugar

Cosmic scene with DNA, stars, solvents and atomic circles in oral flow.

Amorphous materials: how some solids flow as liquids