
Nature conservation, by definition, has no positive side. It is loss management. Prof. Dror Balana. Image courtesy of the Israel Nature and Parks Authority

"We try to preserve as much as possible, so that in the future there will be something to bequeath to those who come after us."

Prof. Dror Halana talks about lizards, wars, oil disasters, nature conservation in general, and his love for the desert. An interview with the incoming Chief Scientist of the Israel Nature and Parks Authority about the challenges of the role
Researchers from the Southwest Florida Conservation Society watched a 4.5-foot-long Burmese python swallow a 35-pound moose in Everglades National Park. Credit: Ian Bartoszek/Southwest Florida Conservation Society

A Burmese python swallows a whole stag weighing 35 kg

Research on giant snakes that infiltrated the wild in Florida: the size of the mouth of the Burmese pythons is larger than expected, allowing them to devour huge prey - with significant consequences for the ecosystem in Florida
Shalvan Kohler.  Reptilians have a pretty bad PR, and rightfully so. Shelven Kohler Photo: Ben Scharmeister

creeping rapidly towards extinction | angle

The report on the state of nature of the Marag points to a deterioration in the condition of reptiles in Israel. Who are the endangered species, and how can the trend be changed before it is too late?
Komodo dragon in a national park in Indonesia. Illustration:

The species that live in nature reserves will be better protected against climate change

The researchers: "Amphibians and reptiles that live in nature reserves around the world will be more protected from climate change, but are still likely to be damaged."
Anxious Illustration: pixabay.

Reptiles for a better future

An illustration comparing a modern man (on the right) with an ancient man (next to him, reminiscent of a monkey), next to an ancient crocodile - the larger of the two and a Yaor crocodile. Illustration: Chris Brochu, University of Iowa.

The largest crocodile that ever lived could swallow a man

Common European viper

How did snakes' venomous teeth develop? Finally the answer was found

Cosmic scene with DNA, stars, solvents and atomic circles in oral flow.

giant python

A prehistoric scene of Titanoboa the largest snake that ever lived

Fossils of the longest snake in the world have been found

Cosmic scene with DNA, stars, solvents and atomic circles in oral flow.

First turtle

Cosmic scene with DNA, stars, solvents and atomic circles in oral flow.

Chameleons that live less than a year

Cosmic scene with DNA, stars, solvents and atomic circles in oral flow.

Bye girls... tuatara lizards without females - due to global warming.

Cosmic scene with DNA, stars, solvents and atomic circles in oral flow.

Fear of snakes: an acquired or innate trait?

Cosmic scene with DNA, stars, solvents and atomic circles in oral flow.

Evidence for evolution: new anatomical structures in lizards in 36 years