Climate conference COP-26 in Glasgow 2021

US President Joe Biden at the COP26 climate conference held in Glasgow at the end of 2021. Photo: cop26

2021 a year of action to curb the climate crisis or blah-blah-blah?

Will decisions and statements made in the past year moderate the disaster? Below is a summary full of skepticism
Protesters wear masks of leaders blamed for the climate crisis as banned for it in Glasgow, Scotland during the COP26 conference. Photo: shutterstock

Five things to know about the Glasgow Climate Agreement

The agreement signed in Glasgow was weak. And still companies and countries can cheat in the carbon market. However, there is a chance for some improvements next year in Egypt, and public pressure is needed to prevent investments from the energy companies
The symbol of the climate conference in Glasgow. Illustration: shutterstock

The climate conference in Glasgow COP26 has reached the halfway point, what are the achievements and which country missed the point?

If the promises of the participants in the Glasgow conference come true, the atmosphere will warm another 1.9 degrees, much more than the original goal, but even that is doubtful, because there are still leaders who do not understand the meaning of the crisis
This image of Earth from afar, known as the Blue Sphere, was taken by the astronauts aboard Apollo 17. NASAMarshall/Flickr, CC BY-SA

50 years ago, humans took the first full picture of the Earth from space - the climate crisis means it's time to take another picture from the same angle

Many news reports covering Shatner's trip failed to mention his comments about the fragility of the Earth's atmosphere: comments that could easily have been aimed at the heads of state attending the climate change conference in
COP26 - Climate Conference in Glasgow 2021. Illustration:

Glasgow conference: the cost of inaction is a thousand times greater than any activity against the climate crisis

How economists have underestimated the benefits of action to prevent the climate crisis for decades * The economy does not have the tools to handle economies in transition and has missed the economic viability of transitioning to clean energy
Oil and the big money because of it they prevented any action and denied the warming even though they knew about it and assessed its damages. Illustration:

The oil industry was aware of the risks of climate change as early as 1959 but preferred to hide it

A researcher went through the archives of the major oil companies and the oil institute and discovered amazing documents that revealed exactly what the oil companies knew. The predictions turned out to be accurate. They even predicted phenomena such as the flooding of countries
Minister of Environmental Protection Tamar Zandberg. From a video she distributed

Minister Tamar Zandberg: The climate conference will be dramatic

In an email she sent to her circulation, she writes that until now the government has neglected the treatment of the climate crisis, but now that a global understanding of the severity and urgency is emerging, Israel must also act

The UN climate conference - COP26 opens tomorrow in Glasgow - moving from talk to action

The convention was held in the hope that it is still possible to stop global warming at the limit of 1.5 degrees above what it was before the industrial revolution, in recognition of many of the participants of the urgency of the need for immediate action with the emphasis
Electric car charging. Illustration:

The clean transportation plan: by 2025 all new buses will be electric, and then the rest of the vehicles

The plan includes a wide deployment of charging stations for electric vehicles and the conversion of gas stations to hydrogen refueling
Flag of the Glasgow Climate Conference. Illustration:

Before the UN climate conference in Glasgow - the most urgent things that need to be done

In preparation for the conference (COP26), which is of enormous importance and fateful for the future, the UN institutions are publishing seven main sections that will outline the initiatives and actions that the participants will need to decide and approve. Below is the list
The climate crisis. Illustration: shutterstock_

Climate Report Addition of carbon to the atmosphere must be stopped immediately and even then some of the phenomena are irreversible

The IPCC report unequivocally states that man is responsible for the warming, and that the frequent extreme weather events were also caused by the warming * Any delay will cause the damages to worsen, it is cheaper to stop emitting carbon than
Solutions to the climate crisis. Illustration: shutterstock

The time of the Corona, the age of the climate crisis