Gamma ray burst

A detailed look at the gamma-ray sky. LAT Collaboration NASA/DOE/Fermi LAT Collaboration

The mystery of the mysterious gamma radiation in the "empty sky" has been solved

Star-forming galaxies are responsible for generating gamma rays that have not yet been attributed to a known source. The discovery may lead astrophysicists to decipher dark matter
In this image, of the gamma-ray burst called GRB 130925A, a sheath of hot X-ray-emitting gas (in red) surrounds a jet of particles (in white) erupting from the star's surface at near the speed of light. This source may be a metal-poor blue giant, a good approximation of the first stars formed in the universe. Image: NASA/Swift/A. Simonnet, Sonoma State Univ.

A burst of gamma rays that lasted almost two hours