
The desalination plant in Palmahim. Photo: Michael Jacobson - from Wikipedia

An economical method for water desalination

Desalination plant in Hadera. Photo: IDE Technologies, Wikipedia

How using solar collectors will also save water

Kinneret. Photo: Daniel Weber.

drying out?

Sewage Treatment Institute in India. Photo: Rajasthan Urban Infrastructure Development Project.

Where will the water come from?

The research system at the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the Technion. Photo: Liron Ofek

The end of desalination at first thought

Some countries have met the challenge by pumping from natural sources of fresh water.

How can water desalination methods be improved?

A system for desalination of salt water using carbon nanotubes anchored by membrane nozzles.

An innovative method for water desalination using carbon nanotubes

The natural water cycle - no longer content with it

Is there no shortage of water in Israel?

Image a is an atomic force microscope (AFM) image of a polymer sheet whose dark spots are organic nanotubes. b is a transmission electron microscope (TEM) image of a sheet with sub-nanometer channels where the organic nanotubes are circled in red. On the right - magnification of a single nanotube. Photo: Ting Xu

Molecular polymer membranes

Warning sign against dangerous drinking water. From Wikipedia

Ben Gurion University research with implications for wastewater reclamation

Dr. Moshe Herzberg. Credit: Ben Gurion University

Prize for excellence in science for researchers from the Technion and Ben-Gurion

The polymer chains protect and shield the membrane surface below them

A revolutionary membrane for water desalination

Cosmic scene with DNA, stars, solvents and atomic circles in oral flow.

In the face of an empty trough