animal behavior

A bird stores its food to use when needed. The drawing was prepared using DALEE

A mechanism was discovered that allows animals to store food and find it when needed without relying on memory

Researchers from the Hebrew University have proposed a new theory about how animals store and recover stored food. Their research, published in Scientific Reports, challenges traditional notions of animal storage behavior
Japanese researchers from Nagoya University have revealed new aspects of the interaction between mast plants or mass seeding plants, i.e. plants that spread their seeds at once like Sasa bamboo and field mice. Their research reveals that mouse behavior (which varies between species, and varies according to environmental conditions and seasons) plays a crucial role in seed dispersal and ecosystem health in forests, and challenges existing theories about seed storage and consumption. Credit: Reiko Matsushita

Scientists reveal fascinating connections between mice and a plant that blooms once in a hundred years

Their findings highlight the importance of understanding the needs of both plants and animals to ensure the health of local ecosystems. They also overturn a previously held belief about how mice store
The ornate spiny-tailed lizard, Uromastyx ornata, also known as the ornate lizard, is a species of lizard in the agamidae family. The species is endemic to the Middle East. Illustration:

How is the climate crisis expected to harm the lizard population in Israel?

Climate change may lead to the collapse of the population of lizards that are common in the deserts of the Land of Israel
A dog peeks out from the ruins of the city of Leigu in the Sichuan province of China. The earthquake happened on May 12, 2008, the photo was taken on May 27. Illustration: Soyuz launcher on the launch pad in Baikonur, Kazakhstan. Illustration:

Things donors know: Can animals predict earthquakes?

"Nutza" asks: It is known that animals feel earthquakes. Why don't humans feel earthquakes coming?
Dogs love to play. Image:

Is your dog happy? 10 misconceptions about dog behavior

In our book "Make Dogs Happy" we have brought scientific research and images to demonstrate and offered practical advice to help dog breeders assess what their dog is feeling at any given moment and give them a variety of response options as a way to support
Bonobo monkeys in their natural environment. Photo:

Things Yorami know: why kiss?

Strangely, Naomi, not only is it not known why people kiss, but it is not even clear whether the romantic kiss is a universal gesture and whether it is a learned behavior, but evolution has clues
A goat and a cat seek shade together in Harar, Eastern Ethiopia. From Wikipedia

Things Donors Know: Do Animals Have Pets?

Conditions of affection

Tel Aviv University bat colony. Credit: Michal Samoni.

Bats also learn to 'speak'

A herd of wildebeest. The model can be applied to many areas - from hoes and shoals of fish to antibiotic resistance, which increases as the diversity of bacteria increases. Photo: Adam Brin.

Go your own way: the success of the group depends on it

She works at the Keda Kida Sea Center before the whale. Source: gwaar.

Did humans copy the bowing position from animals?

Zebra fish. Photo: Marrabbio2, Wikimedia.

social switch

Image courtesy of Alexander Vasenin (Wikimedia).

A lesson in leadership from….fish

The badger has good reason to fear man: he kills it at a rate 4.3 times higher than its natural predators. Photo: Chris Frewin, Flickr

Fear factor

flock of birds Source: Wikimedia / Baykedevries.

Where do the ducks fly when the lake warms up?

The new Polar Bear menu

A hooded cashier sticks a stick in his nose. Screenshot from a YouTube video of the Science site

Picking your nose in the name of science

The terrible chimpanzee beats humans in a memory game against a computer. Photo: Tokyo Institute of Technology

The chimpanzee is allowed from the human

An illustration of a disappointed and grumpy chimpanzee from Darwin's book - The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals.

Democracy in nature?

Drosera_capillaris - Drosera_capillaris

Competition for food from an unexpected direction

Cosmic scene with DNA, stars, solvents and atomic circles in oral flow.

A border is not just a line on a map

Cosmic scene with DNA, stars, solvents and atomic circles in oral flow.

The trigon that killed the nature lover from Australia