orientation in space

a bat. Courtesy of Tel Aviv University

If the walls could talk

If bats can hear and detect obstacles, why do they still sometimes crash into walls?
"Similar to humans, the ability of bats to place others in space is essential for them." Photo: Brooke Fenton.

Me and the Guys: How the Brain Maps Social Space

Illustration: pixabay.

where are we where are we going

Common fruit bat. Weizmann Institute scientists report on a new type of neurons discovered in the bat brain. These neurons encode the direction and distance to the target to which the bat navigates and in this way they constitute a direct neural mechanism for navigating to targets. Source: Oren Pels, Derivative work: User:MathKnight, Wikimedia.

How the brain encodes the "destination point" that you want to reach

May-Britt Moser and Edward Moser from the University of Trodenheim in Norway, two winners of the 2014 Nobel Prize in Medicine. Photo: Wikipedia

Nobel Prize in Medicine for discovering the "GPS" of the brain