Opinion: Politicians must not interfere with free and open science
Scientists across the United States are experiencing real anxiety. It seems as if an upheaval is taking place in Washington, D.C., and the government's relationship with facts, scientific reality, and objective truth has never been more strained.
It all started withThe alternative facts" Regarding the number of attendees at Trump's coronation ceremony as president. The White House also claimed, without any basis for the claim, that a large-scale electoral fraud prevented Trump from obtaining an absolute majority of the voters' votes [and he was elected only by A majority of the electors - the editors], although many sources, in both major parties together, refuted the claim. Members of my parents' generation would call such alternative facts false facts or even lies. However, what is so disturbing is not only the spread of conspiracy theories. What's worse is that the White House and many members of Congress seem to oppose the very act of fact-finding and are trying to impose draconian restrictions About what scientists employed by government agencies can research, publish or even discuss. And who knows what will happen to the huge investment that our nation has been investing in scientific research and education for generations?
Science reveals to us the glory of our world. In our oceans reside coral reefs of spectacular beauty, teeming with life, shining through the blue waters. Tropical rainforests teem with creatures, sights and sounds. California has trees Sequoia Giants towering into the sky, shrouded in mist. And along the coasts large whales sail in the abundant sea waters, raise their offspring, and utter the sounds of their heavenly song.
Through the lenses of science, these natural wonders make us think. They touch our hearts and move our souls. We feel an instinctive need to share them with our loved ones, and if we manage to keep them, it will be the greatest gift we can give our children. But science also teaches us that these natural wonders are vulnerable to destruction habitats, Environment polluting וClimate change. Science warns us that our planet is in trouble, even if many politicians ignore it the evidence.
But all is not lost. Science shows us the way to build a future Sustained. This requires a fundamental change and reorganization in our energy systems, agriculture and cities. Science can build a future where humans will live and thrive in harmony with nature, for generations. Ignoring science will doom us to live in an impoverished and poor world. Our children deserve a better future than this, and science alone shows us the way forward.
Fundamentally, a healthy democracy depends on science. When in 1969, the American Congress asked the physicist Robert Wilson When asked if a new particle accelerator would help promote national security, his answer was: absolutely not. For the study of scientific truth, he addedWilson said, has meaning "solely in the context of the respect we have for each other, our self-respect as human beings, our respect for culture." The search for truth, an informed citizenry, and the free and open exchange of ideas are the cornerstones of our democracy - they are what make America great. Denying the evidence and rejecting theempiricism In general, they are bringing us closer to a regime of tyranny.
The support for science and a world view based on evidence is a long-standing and cross-party tradition in the USA. An organization of ultra-Orthodox scientists for the fate of science, "Union of Concerned Scientists", praises a series of past presidents, from both the Democratic and Republican parties, as clear supporters of science, including Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt, Harry S. Truman, Richard M. Nixon, Jimmy Carter, AndGeorge H. W. Bush. Wise leaders have always recognized, almost without exception, the value of independent science and its vitality to our democracy.
The Trump administration is different in this respect. His behavior is cause for concern, and scientists must stand up against the emerging trend. Normally, we avoid political discussions in this framework, but this time we have to say this: the scientists must stand firm on the right of the facts, and protect objectivity and scientific independence and integrity. If they do not do so, it will be an omission bordering on the immoral. And to the Trump administration he says this: if your apparent disregard for the facts is nothing more than a series of mistakes, guess what. In this case, admit it and work to correct the situation. It would be a brave move, and also a wise one. This will be a step that shows nobility of spirit.
But if this is your government's philosophy, I must warn you on behalf of my fellow scientists: don't mess with us! Don't try to bury the truth. Do not interfere with free and open scientific inquiry. If you do not heed our warning, you will endanger not only your future, but also the future of the entire nation.
How is science related to the beauty of nature? It's not thanks to him... strange wording.
Trump was indeed not elected because of electoral fraud.
1. Illegal immigrants are still allowed to obtain driver's licenses and that is all that is required to go vote.
Here's a video showing Obama encouraging illegal immigrants to vote
2. Before voting in the polling stations there is a round of voting in envelopes. There are also widespread frauds in favor of the Democrats. Social workers send envelopes on behalf of all nursing home residents.
There was once an episode in the series "The Big Bang" where Penny's friend says "What I like about science is that there is no one right answer".
So that's it, no. Contrary to the opinion of the idiot US president - global warming (for example) is not a matter of opinion, nor are the causes of warming.
I don't understand why this is treated as a left/right issue. The problem is real, and the USA is in serious trouble today. It's a shame that certain people are unable to rise above their political agenda and understand what is really happening in the world.
A totally unenlightened president is hastening the decline of a superpower and the rise of another superpower. One that will sell us cheap.
I agree with Nostradamus
He may be a great scientist and respected chairman of the Academy of Sciences, but his understanding of history and political science is quite limited. "Fundamentally, a healthy democracy depends on science." Well, there are several things even more basic to democracy before "science." And " "Science" was no less important to several very undemocratic regimes.
A little more leftist propaganda