Editor of REMOTE SENSING journal resigns over wrong article by global warming deniers

Wolfgang Wagner, writing in his letter explaining the resignation, "They tried to achieve a high scientific standard by submitting an article to a rigorous peer-reviewed journal, which is supposed to identify incorrect methodological claims and false errors."

Wolfgang Wagner, Vienna University of Technology. From the researcher page on the university website
Wolfgang Wagner, Vienna University of Technology. From the researcher page on the university website

An editor of a scientific journal resigned after admitting that An article published in the magazine in July 2011 And whoever doubts man-made warming should not have been published.
The article, by the American scientists Roy Spencer and William Brazwell, claims that computer models of the climate have inflated the consequences of the increase in temperatures. The article gained momentum on "climate skeptic" blogs but was dismissed by mainstream scientists.

Wolfgang Wagner, editor of Remote Sensing magazine, says he agrees with the criticism and is stepping down. "Peer-reviewed journals are the mainstay of modern science," he writes In his resignation letter in the journal Remote Sensing.

"They tried to achieve a high scientific standard by submitting an article to a rigorous peer-reviewed journal that is supposed to identify methodologically incorrect claims and false claims." writing.
"Unfortunately, as climate scientists and independent observers involved in the climate change debate have pointed out in various Internet forums, Spencer and Brazwell's article is problematic in the eyes of both sides and therefore should not have been published."

Climate deniers celebrated because the article claimed that the models used by mainstream scientists are inflating temperature rise projections because they do not understand the role of clouds in climate systems and the rate at which the Earth radiates heat into space. This means that the temperature rise forecast made by the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is too high.

The article published in July received immediate criticism from scientists in the mainstream of climate research. They also commented on the fact that the paper was not published in a journal that routinely discusses climate change. The main topic discussed by Remote Sensing magazine is methods of monitoring the Earth from space. The scientists fear that the editors of the magazines that do not have the issue at their core, lack the knowledge and connections necessary to properly conduct the peer review process. Therefore, Dr. Wagner, professor of remote sensing at the University of Vienna, placed the blame for the failure on himself.

scienceblog site The reporter of this says that in 2003 a similar case occurred in which several editors of the journal Climate Research were published because of an article that should not have been published and slipped into their journal.

5 תגובות

  1. I don't know if this is the case, but many times the standard of "editor" in scientific journals is carried out for free by ordinary scientists. It is a badge of honor that many scientists are happy to add to their name (of course, it is better to attach a prestigious journal as much as possible).

  2. What editors of the journal Climate Research were published because of an article that should not have been published

    Are you published? Maybe they resigned?

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