The students stayed for five days at the Saran research center as part of the advanced physics studies they study at school, among the physicists they met were Prof. Giora Mickenberg from the Weizmann Institute and Prof. Eliezer Rabinovitch, who serves as the center's vice president.

A delegation of about 20 students from the twelfth grade at the Israel High School for Sciences and Humanities in Jerusalem left at the beginning of the week for a five-day visit to the European Research Center for Particle Physics CERN in Switzerland, the largest particle accelerator in the world. As part of their visit, the students met with Israeli and foreign doctoral students and professors involved in research work at the center and enrichment Scientific in the field of physics.
Among the scientists the students met during the week were the head of the Israeli team in the ATLAS experiment Prof. Giora Mickenberg from the Weizmann Institute, CERN Vice President Prof. Eliezer Rabinovich from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and more. Later, the members of the delegation visited an antimatter production facility and even the huge CMS detector located 100 meters underground where the famous HIGGS particle was discovered.
The delegation was led by the head of the science program at the Israel High School for Sciences and Arts, Zohar Barzilai DiNor, and the physics teacher, Brand Sering, who noted that: "We were proud to see that Israeli professors are at the forefront of scientific research in the field of physics in the world. This is the second year that a delegation from the School of Particle Accelerators has gone out, it was evident The great curiosity of the students and their immediate impression of the technological environment whose characteristics were revealed in the course school study."
"The visit is part of a broad and unique curriculum of the science major at the school, which is considered the leading in the country," noted Itai Banovich, director of the Israeli High School for Sciences and Arts, "we place emphasis on a thorough understanding of the subjects of study while having practical experience in the laboratories and the development of the student's scientific thinking."