The great advantage inherent in electron spin is that it responds quickly to small magnetic fields. External magnetic fields could be used to reverse the direction of the spin. In this way, information can be transmitted with the help of the current of electrons.

The great advantage inherent in electron spin is that it responds quickly to small magnetic fields. External magnetic fields could be used to reverse the direction of the spin. In this way, information can be transferred with the help of the current of electrons. For example, electrons with "left" spin could represent "1", and those with "right" spin could represent "0". Reversing the direction of the electron's spin, or switching it, is done at a higher speed than switching current as on or off states. Thus, spintronics devices will be able to be extremely fast and compact.
The development of such devices will require a material that combines the properties of both a semiconductor (such as silicon - the most common material in the chip industry) and a magnetic material. Researchers in this field have already achieved several results. However, finding materials with this combination of properties is particularly challenging. Because of this, the researcher Michel de Jong is now looking for an alternative to such materials.
The researcher focuses on semiconductors consisting of chains of carbohydrates (sugars), i.e. - organic substances. "These materials are already used today in the screens of the most advanced smart mobile phones. I predict that eventually it will be possible to produce extremely cheap electronic components from these materials, a production that will lead to the development of a multitude of new applications. For example, if stores are interested in labeling their products with information about Regarding the price, this will be possible with the help of these electronic components that cost almost zero."
The researchers tested materials known as Bali spheres (spherical molecules composed of only carbon atoms represented by the symbol C60) placed between two magnetic materials. "The great advantage inherent in these molecules is that they have little effect on the spin of the electrons. This allows them to store spin-stored information for longer periods than silicon." Depending on the direction of the magnetic field in the top and bottom layers of the magnetic material, electrons with the same spin direction will either be attracted to each other or repelled from each other, as if opening or closing a valve. This mechanism will allow, For example, to develop sensitive magnetic sensors. The unique array of this magnetic "sandwich" could also be used as a basis for the development of new electronic components that would take advantage of its properties. The electronic spin. "If we are interested in producing truly efficient components, we will need a thorough understanding of the mechanisms that occur at the interface between the organic material and the magnetic material. However, this will require improvements in the quality of such interfaces. The existing methods for fusing metal layers to organic layers are not very efficient. The organic material contains voids that can be filled by metal atoms. This characteristic gives rise to unexpected behavior. Over the next five years, we will look for ways to improve the manufacturing process. This will help us understand exactly what is happening at the interface between the two types of materials."
More about the field of spintronics
A "sandwich" of a ball-ball collection between two layers of magnetic materials.
7 תגובות
And it is still not clear how the bucky balls, for example, store the information and it is also not clear how the spin state is interfaced, read and passed on.
To Ernest and Joe (hope you're not hungry anymore)
When talking about magnetic memory - it doesn't matter what the nature of the magnet is (it can be a spin or a magnetic moment of rotation), that's why it's not usually called spintronics, what's more, magnetic memory exists and integrates without difficulty with electronics.
Spinaconics is basically everything that electronics is - only with an additional level of complexity, because in practice there are two currents that pass simultaneously in the same conductor (two spin currents), basically like an optical fiber through which two rays can be passed at the same time. What exactly can be done with the additional complexity - we haven't gotten to the bottom of things yet. It goes without saying that it is possible to transmit information and calculate at multiple speeds - two processes at the same time. On top of that, as Moshe wrote, Spin has (probably) a shorter switching time - you can compress more processes per second. It is important to note that this is a technology in its infancy, for example in the Nell article we see that they are still working on a good transistor, there are difficulties in injecting spins from a metal into a semiconductor and there is a problem of the lifetime of a spin.
It is also possible to be optimistic and hope that silicon will pass from the world and be replaced by organic materials, whose chemistry occurs at much lower temperatures than silicon and that do not require acids and arsenic for processing (but do use dangerous solvents), although many of the advantages that technology promises in the research phase are canceled out with all the compromises made on the way to mass production.
Err... mistake.
About a hundred billion times.
And for Ernst... Apparently we are currently talking about a memory device only, although implementing a logic gate using a bucky ball could be very interesting.
Bucky Ball Sandwich Balls.
Indeed, bucky balls, named after Buckminster Fuller, the inventor of the geodesic dome, which is nothing more than a half bucky ball magnified a billion times, or so.
Is the same property - the direction of the electron spin, used, both to perform calculation and data processing operations
And for data storage/preservation?
I agree with Avi.
Bucky balls, not balls.