This is as part of a competition to establish an innovative social enterprise that will change the lives of a million Israelis in the next five years * Minister Hershkovitz: This is another way to encourage excellence, creativity and innovation among youth, in the spirit of the late Ilan and Asaf Ramon.
The "Ramon Foundation" in collaboration with the Ministry of Science and Technology announces a competition for a scholarship toSingularity University Summer Program 2011 For those with higher education. The scholarship is intended for academics, scientists, and entrepreneurs who have a feasible idea for the development of scientific technology to establish an innovative social enterprise of value to a million Israelis in the next 5 years.
The winners will receive a full scholarship to the prestigious GSP program of Singularity University which will take place at the NASA base in California for 10 weeks, where they will represent Israel together with the best minds from around the world. The program aims to train the leaders of the future and develop projects that will benefit all of humanity. Registration will end on March 1, 2011 and is possible as an individual or as a group and is limited to citizens of the State of Israel on the website:
The Minister of Science and Technology, Prof. Daniel Hershkowitz said: "I welcome a new important step in the activities of the Ministry of Science and Technology. This is another way to encourage excellence, creativity and innovation among young people, in the spirit of the late Ilan and Assaf Ramon. Participation in this international program also has the added value of creating a dialogue between different nationalities, who speak the universal language of science."
Menachem Greenblum, Director General of the Ministry of Science and Technology: "The late Ilan Ramon, the first Israeli astronaut, proved in his personality and actions that the values that guide him are values of leadership, pure Zionism and love of the people and the country. The late Assaf also chose to follow in the footsteps of his revered father while expressing a wonderful personal sacrifice and realizing ideals and values that he absorbed at home. Ilan Ramon, in his life and in his death, became a symbol for all of us. He was a trailblazer and taught each of us not to shy away from dreaming big dreams. His inspiring way teaches us that lofty dreams can be realized. We are happy to take part in the scholarship competition and call on talented and ambitious young people to participate in it."
Ms. Rona Ramon: "Last year, the 'Ramon Foundation' was established, which operates inspired by the figure of the late Ilan and Asaf Ramon. The vision and goals of the foundation were determined in the spheres of action in which my dear ones operated: the air force, space, science and Israeliness. Over 40,000 students and graduates, working in Israel, in various institutions and frameworks, named after the late Ilan and Asaf. Every year we awarded scholarships to outstanding students, and supported the existing activities. This year, I am happy and proud to announce a breakthrough competition for Ilan and Assaf Ramon. A competition that operates within the framework of Singularity University, in collaboration with NASA and Google Global and takes place in 10 different countries in the world. The purpose of the competition is to stimulate groundbreaking thinking for a project that can be implemented that will affect more than a million Israelis in 5 years. The winners will receive summer scholarships to study at the NASA base in California. I invite all of you to be partners, and take part in the realization of the vision."
Every year, "Singularity" University selects about 80 candidates out of about 1,600 from around the world for a unique program worth about 25 thousand dollars and is funded by NASA, Google and other entities. The main goal of the university is to expose the participants in the program to the most advanced technologies and the latest research in a variety of fields, and to assist them in projects aimed at solving the major challenges in areas on the agenda such as: water, food, energy and space.
In 2009, several ventures were born that started at "Singularity" University: ACASA, which tries to develop technologies that will enable the construction and design of houses in developing countries using various advanced technologies; One Global Voice, which produces software tools that allow anyone to create an application in the fields of commerce and education and more.
Greetings from the camp of the future - on Singularity University
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Thanks Avi Blizovsky
ze nishma nehedar aval….ma she tsorem li, ze she yotsrim can aslaya ce-ealu nitan beperek zman katsar kol-kach kvntsy o lefateach mashehu retsini ve mashmauty. letsary ze nishma ve niree yoter ke mivtsa shel yachasay tsibur me-asher kol davar acher