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SETI searches for technology signatures: The hunt for extraterrestrial signals at the heart of the Milky Way begins

Akshay Suresh, a graduate student at Cornell University, is leading an unusual scientific activity - a groundbreaking mission called BLIPSS to detect periodic signals emanating from the center of the Milky Way

Credit: Breakthrough Listen / Danielle Futselaar
Credit: Breakthrough Listen / Danielle Futselaar

Akshay Suresh, a graduate student at Cornell University, is leading an unusual scientific activity - a groundbreaking mission called BLIPSS to detect periodic signals emanating from the center of the Milky Way. Such old signals could be the key to cracking the mystery of extraterrestrial intelligence in our galaxy. Suresh and his co-authors detail the results of the project in a paper titled 4–8 GHz Galactic Center Search for Periodic Technosignatures published in the Astronomical Journal.

BLIPSS is a collaboration between Cornell University, the SETI Institute and Breakthrough Listen. By focusing on the central region of the Milky Way, which has a dense population of stars and exoplanets that could possibly support life, the BLIPSS team increases the chances of capturing compelling evidence of extraterrestrial technology. If an alien civilization would like to communicate with other civilizations for the Milky Way, the center of the galaxy has potential as a strategic location for a beacon.

"BLIPSS presents the most advanced potential of software as a scientific multiplier," said Suresh.

Astronomer from the SETI Institute Dr. Vishal Gajar is one of Suresh's advisors in the project. "Until now, SETI's search for radio waves has been looking for continuous signals," he said. "Our research sheds light on the excellent energetic efficiency of pulse convoys as a means of interstellar communication across vast distances. In particular, this study is the first ever comprehensive undertaking to conduct in-depth searches for these signals."

The team started by testing their algorithm on known pulsars, and successfully detected the expected periodic emissions. They then turned to data from scans of the center of the galaxy taken by the Breakthrough Listen project's instrument at the GBT telescope in West Virginia. Unlike pulsars, which emit signals over a wide range of radio frequencies, BLIPSS narrowed its search to old signals in a narrower frequency range - less than a tenth of the width of an average FM radio station.

Dr. Steve Croft, Breakthrough Listen Project Scientist at GBT and Senior Attached Astronomer at the SETI Institute, emphasized the importance of this approach, because it combines narrow frequency ranges with periodic patterns that can indicate deliberate technological activities of extraterrestrial civilizations. Suresh's technique presents an innovative methodology for searching this metaphorical haystack, which will allow the team to identify exciting evidence for the existence of advanced extraterrestrial life forms.

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  1. It took almost 4.5 billion years until an advanced civilization developed, the conditions on Earth, and in the solar system are part of a whole that contributed to this, during decades of searching we will not find any proof of the existence of aliens, therefore if they exist they are very rare, nor are they much more advanced than us, because there are A bottleneck that prevents excessive progress due to the overexploitation of natural resources, wars, and sociological problems, of alien civilizations, those who think that the aliens are miraculous creatures, and look strange, are wrong, they probably have the same problems that we have, in conclusion,, maybe there are one or two more civilizations advances in the galaxy, and none of them volunteer to come to earth,,,,probably????!!!!

  2. When you activate a radar and locate an object, it immediately locates your position as well. If there is a civilization there advanced enough for efficient interstellar travel across the galaxy, their knowledge of physics and its application could seriously threaten us. Of course, if they just want to help a war-stricken planet, a species that exterminates other species and harms the planet as much as it can, then of course we'd be happy, but why should they fly all the way here just to give something without receiving anything in return? And if we don't agree to the price they ask for, can we really refuse?
    It's like" there is a chance that this cave has scorpions snakes and bears. Come in and check it out!"

  3. Of all the theories I've heard so far to the Fermi paradox. The dark forest theory makes the most sense. The reason we fail to detect signs of extraterrestrial civilizations, if there are any, is that we are the only species in the universe that is stupid enough to reveal itself to the universe.

  4. The problem is that the center of the galaxy is probably a hostile area for life, because of the radiation from nearby bodies and the collisions
    It is likely that there is more there.

  5. You know seti have been around for almost 60 plus years.
    In all this time, to their mistake, of course, they did not find any evidence, even the "wow" sign did not put their minds to the existence of intelligences outside the Milky Way, let alone inside.
    This place two and a half years ago detected for 3 consecutive months radio signals from 3 different directions, needless to say only one media outlet was able to find out and publish, but later again the silence, the failure to report and finally the failure to say what the whole feature was, made everyone in the scientific world understand that SETI is Part of a worldwide silencing mechanism of intelligence agencies as well as part of the scientific community not to reveal the existence of communications between man and et
    STIs have existed for decades but still according to them nothing has been discovered, I argue that an organization that finds nothing for half a century and more should be shut down due to its inability to find anything.

  6. Probably the signals are from the black hole at the center of the secondary quasar galaxy

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