Northern Europe will freeze, because the warming of the Earth will divert the Gulf Stream that warms it and prevent it from a fate similar to Siberia and Canada at the same latitudes. Warming is not just a problem of tropical islands being flooded
Those gathering in Copenhagen should consider the possibility or chance that if the warming continues... to the next convention (if it is held in Copenhagen) it will be necessary to arrive by snow sleds... since the area where the convention is held will be covered by a layer of ice, arctic cold throughout the year will prevail in all of Northern Europe, such as All the rest of the northern hemisphere, the northern tip of our globe will be in an ice age.
Some time ago while visiting friends in Germany, the conversation turned to climate change, in an attempt to be smart I commented that it is very likely that Europe will enter an ice age, a comment that had negative reactions at its core, in the past I have already referred to the possibility that due to the warming there will be a massive melting of the Greenland glaciers, the mass that will add astronomical amounts of fresh water to the ocean , fresh water will disrupt the North Atlantic circulation, a cycle of which the Gulf Stream is a part. As it is known that the Gulf Stream transports warm water from the equatorial region and thus heats its environment, stopping the Gulf Stream will stop its moderating/melting effect in the Northern Hemisphere, A stop that will bring cooling.
Now all the "skeptics" are jumping up and saying "as we said: there is no warming, there is cooling!" Relax... the whole world is heating up, as a result of global warming a situation has been created at the northern tip of the globe that (maybe) will cause it to cool down. Only the northern tip. It turns out, therefore, that the warming and rise in sea level that will be caused by The melting of the Greenland glaciers, there is an impact not only on tropical islands that will be covered by water and it will be necessary to abandon them but on one of the richest continents.
The possibility that the cycle of flows will stop, a stop that will cause cooling is known and accepted, but most of those dealing with the issue were convinced that the process of stopping and cooling will continue over decades. Now things are changing. William Patterson from the University of Saskatchewan in Canada (William Patterson, University of Saskatchewan - Canada) showed that "the cessation of the North Atlantic circulation will cause the Northern Hemisphere to experience a mini 'ice age' within "new".
About 12,500 years ago, the conditions that caused the Northern Hemisphere to enter what climatologists call the "Younger Dryas" were created, after an oak tree that was resistant to the cold and therefore passed the period unscathed, or in the joking language of the "Big Freeze" About 1,500 years. The geologists show how the Great Freezing happened because of a lake in North America whose waters burst its banks and spilled into the North Atlantic Ocean, the amounts of (fresh) water were enormous and diluted the waters of the Atlantic Ocean, a dilution that caused the "conveyor belt" of the North Atlantic to stop.
Without the warming effect in the north, large areas cooled, covered in a blanket of ice... which caused the collapse of human cultures and populations. According to previous findings from ice drilling in Greenland, the researchers thought that the entry into the "freeze" event lasted for decades, but a renewed examination and additional findings show that the change was quick and sudden - within a few months.
Patterson and his team tested sediments in Lake Monarch in Ireland (Lough Monreach), the sediments were separated into layers 1/2 mm thick, each layer represents a period of two months, testing carbon isotopes in the layers showed the fertility of the lake. An oxygen isotope test shows the temperature at the beginning of the "freezing" as well as the amount of rain, the measurements show that: the fertility of the lake fell within two years, a result that would be obtained if today Ireland cooled to a temperature similar to northern Siberia, that is, in a short time freezing conditions were created that caused the lake to work his fertility.
Later, the tests showed that: after the retreat of the ice, the flow cycle in the ocean returned to flow within about two hundred years, since this is the time when the lake returned to its fertility. Patterson's findings were presented before a conference dealing with "people in the Arctic". According to him: "There is no preventing a "big freeze" from happening again", if and when the Greenland ice melts, conditions will be created... that will put Europe into an ice age.
20 תגובות
I received a message from Dr. Jacob Dafni who returned from a trip to Iceland
There he recognized the Dryas as a small annual flower,
If the readers are sorry
And Dr. Daphne, thank you
Response to 15: Perhaps the European Union should take care not to be accepted into the Zionist Union.
To 13 and to all the "in-the-know" of any kind, if you bothered a little and looked at scientific literature concerning the issue of global warming (or occasionally watch National Geographic) you would not believe the nonsense of various bodies that disclaim responsibility, but it is probably easiest to live in your own bubble, enjoy it As long as you can.
We need to prepare and oblige every Swedish citizen who wants to enter the country with tough visas..
Be careful with the speculations, they will further accuse the Zionist entity of stopping the Gulf Stream and global warming
By the way, if this happens, what are our chances of being accepted into the European Union?
Don't want money, but some links to these data won't hurt.
This is not a science site
This is a propaganda site
Why come back and bring you the material again?
That 90 percent of glaciers are growing?
Record low temperatures in most US states
Snow in Houston Texas is the earliest ever.
Has there been refrigeration for 8 years?
That over 31000 scientists sign a petition against anthropogenic heating?
What will data help, what will science help?
You want money - take it
But you also won't hold the educated and elitist image -
You have already crumbled it with your own hands
As a child, I read the book "Stealing the Gulf Stream" by Jack Todoz, which was published in Hebrew in the 1930s. It is a fictional story about someone who "stole" the Gulf Stream. Has anyone read and remember what the effects described in this book were?
Global warming speaks of moderate warming, this means that Europe will freeze but other places (Israel) will become much warmer and on average the world will be warmer + an effect of global dimming, i.e. dimming.
What may happen is that because of the melting, the melted water is cold, sweet and lighter than the ocean's salty water. That's why they won't sink and won't come back as a deep and cold current, but will create a "cork" that will stop the Gulf Stream and cause a mess in the MZA all over the world, and even if it takes another 50 or a hundred or 200 years - so what?
Great question.
Similar to the question of whether people who died before the cigarette was invented died because of smoking.
An excess of blows to the head causes stupidity and the question of whether the blows to the head should also be blamed for congenital stupidity indicates stupidity (although not the cause of stupidity).
And of course I forgot to ask: 12500 years ago were the exhaust gases also to blame? and D.L.
How comfortable it is to be a prophet of wrath. You can always say at the end: "In the end we were saved".
As the skeptic of the global warming theory..I actually know this information and indeed agree with it wholeheartedly.
The full story is that in North America there was a huge lake..more like a mini ocean but let's say...the walls of glaciers among other things formed a dam for it..indeed the earth began to warm after the last ice age the glacial walls melted until a fissure was created that emptied huge amounts of fresh water at once To the North Atlantic Ocean .. only fresh water does not heat up like salt water and that at one time probably stopped the flow .. which caused a reduced ice age in Europe mainly for the aforementioned period.
This is the kind of disaster caused by the glacial masses.
But after way or the case of an ice age..the Europeans are going to suffer a's amusing to think that maybe a day will come when third world countries will have the best areas for settlement.
Imla! Let's take more money to "investigate" the disaster!
The Alferons are a hundred times more reliable than you.
You are redefining the word mafia.
Disinformation in the morning and a horror movie in the evening.
We'll see what you say when your false prophecies blow up in your face in a few years. I guess you trust the short memory of the lips. But we will remember and quote you at every opportunity.
It is known that Munchausen already anticipated this in XNUMX
And the Rambam was exactly the opposite in XNUMX
I think today and tomorrow will be a beautiful and cool clear day with a sweet orange sunset.
good day everybody.
This has been known since 1995
The scientist who analyzed it received an award from Clinton for the research
Only he gave a time frame of 15 to 20 years for the Gulf Stream to go wrong
Will be interesting.
There is a situation that by the very fact of the tremendous development of humanity in such a short time in evolutionary terms the balance of the living environment (Earth) has been seriously violated and moreover-inevitably. After all, in relation to the earth, the various animal species and the climate, we are not a fly on the wall, but an elephant in a room. Phil is just beginning to realize that what he felt on the back side was a wall that was currently cracking because it had moved a bit. But it won't help that he won't move. He's there and he's already big and the room is smelly and dirty because of him and he can't really get out either (at most take the bug out of the window, and that's not what's going to help). Oh, and he knows that if he accidentally breaks a wall then he's gone. On the other hand, it is itching for him..that he won't move?
In short, just as we with technology and its power have changed quickly, so the environment is also going to change quickly (started of course). Let's just hope not too soon.