The history of the field of quantum information science

Quantum information science relies on physics, mathematics, computer science and engineering to understand how to process data in ways that were not even foreseen by the founding fathers of the current information revolution, says Prof. Charles Bennett, IBM Fellow and 2018 Wolf Prize Winner in Physics

By Charles Bennett, Fellow IBM and 2018 Wolf Prize Winner in Physics

Prof. Charles Bennett receives the Wolf Prize for 2018 from Wolf Foundation Chairman and Minister of Education Naftali Bennett, President Reuven Ravlin, and Acting Speaker of the Knesset, MK Nachman Shai. Photo: Avi Blizovsky
Prof. Charles Bennett receives the Wolf Prize for 2018 from Wolf Foundation Chairman and Minister of Education Naftali Bennett, President Reuven Ravlin, and Acting Speaker of the Knesset, MK Nachman Shai. Photo: Avi Blizovsky

Quantum information science draws on physics, mathematics, computer science and engineering to understand how to process data in ways that were never foreseen by the founding fathers of the current information revolution. The roots of the field are planted in the 70's of the last century, when a series of pioneers such as Stefan Weisner from Columbia University, Rolf Landauer and Anochi at IBM, David Deutsch at Oxford and Nobel laureate Richard Feynman at Caltech, began to pose fundamental questions such as "how much energy required to process a single bit of information?", or "Could the quantum effect help, rather than hinder, in data processing?"

At the time, the few people who thought about these issues operated in isolation: no one thought of the field as their full-time job. Eventually, however, many of us met each other and were inspired at the first Physics of Computing Conference, held at MIT in 1981. There, I presented my findings from 1973, in a study inspired by Landauer's work, in which I stated that there is no fundamental inherent limit , irreducible further, which concerns the energetic cost of performing a calculation operation. In other words: it is possible to perform calculations in a format that preserves the possibility of a complete thermodynamic reversal: a transition between two states without a total loss of energy. At the same conference, Feynman also presented his thesis that in order for a computer to be able to perform an effective simulation of nature - it must operate within the framework of quantum laws, and not within the framework of classical computing laws.

As part of the conference at MIT and other conferences organized by cosmologist John Wheeler, at the University of Texas, these ideas began to be disseminated to the growing community of physicists who were interested in the field. Gilles Brassard from the University of Montreal followed first, bringing the idea to the world of computer science.

Most computer scientists were initially reluctant to accept the idea of ​​quantum information, in the mistaken belief that they already knew everything about data processing. As such, the idea of ​​quantum computing was first defined by a physicist: David Deutsch, who attended Wheeler's conference. Thus, the match between quantum mechanics and classical theory in the field of computing began, and the field of quantum information science was born.

In 1984, Brassard and I developed the quantum cryptographic structure BB84, which enables secure communication between parties that are not required to share secret information first. Five years later, John Sumlin, then an undergraduate student at MIT and later at IBM, along with me, built the hardware for the first working demonstration of quantum encryption. The hardware, which ran under software written by Brassard and his students in Montreal, implemented the BB84 protocol, which until then existed only on paper.

In 1993, Brassard and I, along with the computer scientist Claude Carpeau, the mathematician Richard Jussa, and the physicists Asher Peres and William Waters, discovered "quantum teleportation": a method of separating and splitting an unknown quantum state into two parts: a part Classical and partly non-classical, in the form of quantum entanglement. These two parts are sent in separate channels, and reassembled later on the receiving side - in order to create an exact replica of the original quantum state, which was destroyed and lost in the sending process.

The discovery reached in 1994 by Peter Shore, at Bell Laboratories, according to which a quantum computer could exponentially speed up the solution of the practical problem of factoring a number into whole factors ignited worldwide interest in the new field. In the meantime, scientific work at IBM, Bell Laboratories and other institutions presented a series of technologies for the reliable transmission of quantum information even in noisy channels, and the possibility of reliable quantum computing on unreliable hardware - which are essential for the practical application of quantum computing, and not just on paper.

As with any field of basic science, it is currently difficult to predict the long-term effects of quantum information science, but experts hope that it will have a profound impact on the fields of artificial intelligence, molecular modeling and the construction of new molecules, online security, financial modeling and particle physics. I am proud of the contribution of my work with Professor Brassard, to the laying of the foundations for quantum information science, and believe that it embodies the spirit of the Wolf Prize: "Achievements for the benefit of the human race and the bonds between human beings... regardless of nationality, race, color, religious belief, sex or beliefs the politics".

More of the topic in Hayadan:

4 תגובות

  1. Quantum theory is a theory hidden from view, but its idea can be realized today and it is called Parallel, the matter is very limited in relation to existing processors, and according to the idea of ​​quantum theory, complex problems like Crypto or Machine Learning will be solved In one Cycle because of the concept of Super-Position which allows a result of zero and one as opposed to what exists today which allows one or zero... in short the same theory allows solving very complex problems and it can be simulated using computer but until we get optimal performance there is time...

  2. Let's try for a second to look at the article, not as it appears to us but from a broader paradigm.
    What are we actually seeing?
    Although, as you wrote, the quantum information sciences rely on physics, mathematics and computer science, the quantum sciences are more hidden and require a brain and a more advanced development in order to achieve them.
    You can also look at it in a different way. That those quantum information sciences are actually more rooted than those sciences of physics and mathematics or computer sciences which are domains under the touchstones of science, but in that they are limited in what they are able to put out into the world.
    Is there a field that is even more hidden than quantum theory that we will discover how rooted and central to all these sciences?
    that he was actually hidden due to our inability and limitation?
    There is only one answer to this question.
    Only reality and the stages of development will prove whether this claim may exist.

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