7,500 year old cheese

Scientists have discovered in Poland the earliest evidence of cheese production in prehistoric times

Cheeses at the market in Basel, Switzerland. From Wikipedia
Cheeses at the market in Basel, Switzerland. From Wikipedia

Scientists from Great Britain, the United States and Poland have discovered the earliest evidence so far of cheese production by humans, about 7,500 years ago. The researchers examined the fragments of perforated pottery from the prehistoric period, found in the Kuyavia region of Poland, And according to information, they were used to filter milk in the cheese production processes.

The researchers analyzed the composition of fatty acids from the pottery, and proved that it was indeed the remains of milk. In an article in the journal Nature, the researchers point out that the production of cheese was probably a milestone in the development of agriculture and nutrition, because it made it possible for the first time to preserve dairy products.

Remains of milk from slightly earlier periods were discovered on pottery found in Turkey and Libya, but there was no evidence of cheese production there.

18 תגובות

  1. Batsheva, I'm really going to explode?
    That my children will remain orphans just because I don't agree with the nonsense you say?
    As Hitchens said, religion poisons everything.
    And again, because there are readers here who might still be convinced by the nonsense of Talia and Batsheva:

    Father, sorry for the trouble, why must a website be added when adding a comment?

  2. Shmulik:
    We are not talking about (many) trolls here, but one troll/troll who changes her name every time and makes a mess of the mind.
    I hope now she/he is finally blocked

  3. I imagined this would be your reaction!!! Oh how transparent you are! May God help... I'm done saying what I have!! And I emphasized that everyone should follow their beliefs and principles. If in my previous response I upset you too much, it's not malicious - it's just that I was burned by all the distortions so badly burned that they actually became the 'food' that we are fed every day and minute by minute!! Talia)

  4. This finding probably indicates a much earlier onset of growth
    of cattle for milking - it took a while before they raised large herds
    Enough and they reached a situation of excess milk - until they found a solution for it.

  5. I have no intention, not even a small one, to get into arguments with you now, I know and am very familiar with all these studies regarding the age of the world!! And apart from demonstrating knowledge, you don't tell me a thing and a half!!!
    Everyone, whoever he is, should follow his beliefs and principles!
    We, have accepted one tradition that we live by, and as little by little, little by little, the world of science has admitted (with shame..after all and above all we are Jews!!) the correctness of the tradition and the exact match between their new versions and the very sterile and precise versions of the tradition of our ancestors. This is how you will argue to see what the real age of the world really is!! Power - until he cannot understand how he reached such a level in the past that his mind was stupid in the absolute sense of the word!!
    And I can only wish you success!!! And in you too, like tens of thousands of your predecessors - this recognition will strike once!! Coming soon... Talia))

  6. Talia
    There is a bush in the United States that is 11700 years old.
    you see? One observation is enough to spoil the faith of billions of people.
    And there are many more such observations (really many).
    But one is enough...

  7. Talia, I hope this comment is sarcastic, and you didn't mean it seriously. Science never makes any argument because of a personal whim, but because the subject has been tested billions of times and found to be proven. The age of the universe is about 13.7-13.8 billion years, the age of the solar system is about 5 billion years. The age of the earth is 4.5 billion, life has existed for about 3.5 billion, 80 million years ago the dinosaurs who lived here could not produce cheese because a. They did not have the human intelligence and B - there were no mammals whose females produced milk from which cheese could be made. The mammals of that time were small creatures the size of mice that lived in the shadow of the dinosaurs.

  8. Fools in the world!!! Yo you are so stupid... still with the baseless opinions that the age of the world is over 5,773 years (as of now)!! It's good that no 60 million year old or 80 million year old cheese was found... sounds more logical!! I wonder what the author of the article relies on regarding the age of the world. Is he really in his personal opinion, or is he simply being dragged along like a soma by his 'all-knowing' friend???

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