The cosmic ray detector that includes 507 ground scintillator stations, covering an extensive detection area of 700 square kilometers in Utah, USA. On May 27, 2023, scientists discovered a particle with an enormous energy level of 244 EeV.
Astronomers have discovered a cosmic particle with high energy (244 EeV) called "Amaterasu".
A particle with high energy falls from space to the surface of the earth - it is not clear where it came from and not even what it is exactly. It may sound like something from science fiction, but it is a fact of scientific reality, as the research of Japanese scientist Toshiro Fujii of Kyoto University shows.

Cosmic rays are energetic charged particles that originate in the galaxy and outside the galaxy. Very high energy cosmic rays are very rare. They can reach more than 1018 electron volt, or one exa electron volt (EeV), which is about a million times what the most powerful accelerators ever built by humans have achieved.
Professor Fujiai and a team of international scientists have been running the telescope array experiment since 2008 in pursuit of such rays from space. This special cosmic ray detector includes 507 ground-based scintillator stations, covering an extensive detection area of 700 square kilometers in Utah, USA. May 27 the scientists discovered a particle with a huge energy level of 244 EeV.
"When I first discovered this ultra-high-energy cosmic ray, I thought there must be a mistake, because it showed an unprecedented level of energy in the last three decades," shared Professor Fujiai.
Such an energy level can be compared to the level of the most energetic cosmic ray ever observed, known as the "OMG particle", whose energy was estimated at 320 EeV when it was discovered in 1991.

Among the many possible names for the particle, Professor Fujiai and his colleagues chose "Amaterasu", after the sun goddess who, according to Shinto belief, played an important role in the creation of Japan.
The Amaterasu particle is perhaps as mysterious as the Japanese goddess herself. Where did it come from? What exactly was he? These questions remain. It is hoped that the amaterasu particle will pave the way for explaining the origin of the cosmic rays.
"No promising astronomical object matching the direction from which the cosmic ray came has been identified, which raises the possibility of unknown astronomical phenomena and a new physical source beyond the standard model," Professor Fujiai said. "In the future, we are committed to continuing to operate the telescope array experiment as we begin, with our ongoing upgraded experiment with quadrupled sensitivities, known as TAx4, and expect from the next generation, a more detailed investigation of the source of this highly energetic particle."
More of the topic in Hayadan: (Beresheet is the Hebrew name for the book of Genesis)
9 תגובות
There are no particles in physical reality
Matter is not made up of many particles of nothing.
Matter is continuous, and it is created by combining amounts of passive time and energy.
Philosophical discussion
How long did it take for human culture to answer the question,,, what is time?
What is this painting? The answer is simple - it is a painting with a unique shape.
And what is this painting? The answer is simple - it is a painting with a unique shape.
And what is this painting? The answer is simple - it is a painting with a unique shape.
And what is this painting that is composed of the three previous paintings?
The answer is simple... it's a painting made up of the three previous paintings.
For thousands of years man has been messing with this painting of time, because people have asked a question that has no answer - and it is... what is this painting of time..
And why is this an unanswerable question?
Because the possible answer creates a vicious circle.
What is this painting?
Answer - this painting is this painting.
On the question... what is this painting from a time when many years of life were wasted, and never
No answer appeared to her.
Thousands of years have passed, and thousands of books have been written, and this painting remains a painting with a unique form, and that's all.
The answer appeared at the turn of the 19th century in neurophysics
This drawing is the name of a "continuous quantitative thing" and in short DKR
It is impossible to identify a beginning and an end in a continuous quantitative thing, and any quantity we choose from it,
will always be between zero amount and infinite amount.
Continuous quantitative things appear in physical reality and there are only 5 of them.
Length, area, volume, time and energy.
Length is a centimeter, area is a centimeter, volume is a centimeter, time is a centimeter,
And energy is an element. It is these five elements that create physical reality, and they are the ones that provide a completely new explanation of the structure of the universe.
These dachars create the exact sciences of geometry and physics.
These are the exact sciences, because their quantities are always between zero and infinite quantities. Therefore great precision is required to express such quantities.
Mathematics is a quantitative language suitable for teachers.
Expansion in the book
"The magic journey of Asbar on the wings of natural knowledge".
A. Asbar
I didn't know exactly what kind of disaster, but I understood that such a government cannot be good for the people of Israel, especially when it comes to a corrupt person (allegedly because he is delaying the trial in order not to get final approval) who learned from Urban how to cling to the throne even though you don't have a majority.
It's a shame that there are idolatrous baboons commenting here, I don't understand what they're looking for here, go to heritage sites and rabbis, a bunch of idiots and cowards, I don't go to idol worshipers' sites and write that believing in some creature that sits in the sky and says that you shouldn't masturbate is a fantasy of the mentally ill, so get out of here all the devils because You are the juice of the garbage.
You remember today that you wrote "national disaster" on Facebook after the publication of the results of the last elections.
Many attacked you, but you knew exactly what you were talking about...
Not that I understood what kind of energy it is, but according to Einstein's equation if the energy of the particle is huge then its mass should also be huge if I'm not mistaken. So maybe there is no dark matter, but particles that we don't recognize correctly from a distance and think they have a small mass, while in reality they are of this type of particle and have a much larger mass?
Maybe this explains the huge rotation speed of the galaxies that made us assume there is a lot of mass that we don't see?
I'm sure you found a piece of shit from one of the scientists who just got electrocuted before the article. .. From there came the first cosmic lump of shit electrified with azistoric energy
garbege team
A bunch of nonsense from a smart guy who maybe finished third grade. Not everyone understands physics or geometry... at least don't pretend. A caveat to silent wisdom
Let's start with the relationship. Obviously, no matter what the size of the circle, the ratio remains. All circuits are identical in their properties. Likewise for angles in polygons, for example.
The only thing that is not complete stupidity is what you wrote about time
Who would have believed that even in the exact sciences (geometry and physics)
There are bad beliefs and good beliefs.
A thousand-year-old bad belief is found in geometry, and it says so.
There is a single number whose value is just over 314, and it fits all circles, from the smallest imaginable, to the largest.
This number means… many times greater is the circumference of the circle than its diameter.
Another thousand-year-old bad belief is also found in physics.
This bad faith says that the real material is tangible, made up of many tiny particles of nothing real.
Another bad belief in physics, and it is 300 years old, says this: the material of the earth has a miraculous property, which causes objects dropped from our hands to fall to the ground. If this miraculous property did not exist, dropped objects would remain suspended in the air.
And the oldest bad faith says -
In reality there is only one type of time, known to us with the help of a clock.
And there are also bad beliefs in mathematics.
A thousand-year-old bad mathematical belief says this:
There are numbers that cannot be written down as numbers, but only described in words. A root of 2 is a literal description of a number, which cannot be written as a number.
All areas of life contain good beliefs and bad beliefs, and even in the field of the exact sciences geometry and physics, there are good beliefs and bad beliefs.
It is very difficult to get rid of bad beliefs and replace them with good ones.
Scientists get used to certain bad beliefs, and these beliefs are considered good.
These scientists will not agree to turn you into bad beliefs.
This reversal will take place, only with the appearance of an actual dramatic discovery, such as for example
The scope experiment conducted in 2017 by Asbar.
Science is the only place where good and bad beliefs will alternate without struggle.
The redeeming angel is the real experiment.
Particle physics is bad faith.
A. Asbar
Every time space surprises us. Maybe it's time for man to be more humble and realize that he doesn't understand the universe. We don't even really know what happened on the Earth a few thousand years ago.