Researchers warn: there won't be enough fish in the sea

A research institute in Malaysia: the increase in the world's population will lead to a shortage of fish within 20 years; Seafood is the main source of protein for residents of developing countries; Fish prices may increase by 70 percent

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The increase in the world's population may mean that within twenty years about a billion people in developing countries will suffer from a lack of fish - their main source of protein. According to research published by the "World Fish" Center in Malaysia, and the Food Policy Research Institute, only a sharp increase in artificial fish farming will save the world from a fishing crisis.

The study estimates that today fish make up about seven percent of the global food supply. In addition, fish are the main source of animal protein for one-sixth of the world's population - currently estimated at six billion people.

In a statement published by the research institute ahead of an international convention that will begin tomorrow in the state of Penang in Malaysia, it is claimed that some species of fish will disappear from the markets, and the quality of seafood will decline in general. The institute further predicts that in the future international frictions will increase over fishing. According to the study, the decrease in the amount of fish will have serious consequences in two decades on the quality of food and the economic income from the fishing industry.

According to the center's CEO, Dr. Merrill Williams, the fish industry in developing countries is the food source that is growing at the fastest rate. The industry is forced to feed an additional 90 million mouths each year, and may not be able to meet the growing demand, after the average fish consumption per capita has almost doubled over the past fifty years.

The study states that the fish farms offer only a partial solution to the problem. According to the estimate, global artificial fish production is expected to increase by one and a half percent per year, until the year 2020. Two thirds of the increase will come from fish farms, which will supply 41 percent of the world's fish consumption by then. Until five years ago, the farms supplied only 31 percent.

CNN reports that economists estimate that the fish industry's inability to adapt to market demands will cause fish prices to rise by at least 16-4 percent by 2020. Blacker forecasts speak of a price increase of 70-26 percent. Policy makers, scientists, economists and representatives of non-governmental organizations from 40 countries will participate in the conference.

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