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The naturopaths struck at dawn

The raid began at dawn. The officers of the HMM unit knocked on the door and entered through the window. The suspect was caught in his bed and restrained without violence using an electric shocker and rubber batons

Medicinal spices in a market in Seoul. From Wikipedia
Medicinal spices in a market in Seoul. From Wikipedia

The raid began at dawn. The officers of the HMM unit knocked on the door and entered through the window. The suspect was caught in his bed and restrained without violence using an electric shocker and rubber batons. In the apartment itself, hundreds of small bags containing crushed plant materials of various species were discovered. The suspect was respectfully taken to the holding cell, and was brought before the judge the very next day.

Judge: "Mr. Albel, you are accused of the fact that in your apartment a large number of plant substances with dangerous effects on the body were discovered. Do you confess?”

The accused: "No, Your Honor."

Judge (raises an eyebrow): "What does the representative of the prosecution have to say on the matter?"

The attorney's office, handing out papers to the accused and the judge: "Your Honor, we would like to present to you an article that reveals the degree of danger inherent in the extracts that the accused concocted at his home. It was published on a reputable news site, so everything is true and verified."

The judge looks at the printout with wide eyes. Turning to the accused: "Do you admit that you kept these materials in your house?"

The defendant, defending himself: "Yes, Your Honor, but they are harmless!"

The prosecution, to the judge: "Ask him about the cilantro. We found two kilos at his house!"

The judge reads the text. Turning to the accused: "It is written here that coriander cleanses the liver of toxic metals, drugs and chemical substances."

The accused: "Yes, Mr. Judge, what is the problem?"

The judge: "The liver is supposed to clean the drugs and chemicals from the blood on its own. That's his job and he does it well. You gave your customers a substance that increases the chemical activity of one of the most important organs in the body, and you don't understand what the problem is? What if the liver starts cleaning important chemical substances like sugars from the blood? This is how to play with the body?"

The attorney's office, panting like a hunting dog: "Ask him about the Louisa. On Louisa!”

The defendant, smiling confidently: "Your Honor, Louisa can do no harm. It's just not in her character."

The judge reviews the material: "Louisa... helps to clean the mind and the nervous system. Gives us an atmosphere of calm and peace..."

The judge lands the pages with a thump on the stand, turns to the defendant: "Sir, do you understand that you are a hair's breadth away from being prosecuted for possessing psychoactive substances dangerous to the public?"

The accused begins to tremble: "But Your Honor, it's only Louisa..."

The judge: "It's written here in black on white. An article by... a naturopath, like you. Your Louisa affects the central nervous system. Such substances usually cause hallucinations, forgetfulness, clouding of senses, confusion. And I am not even considering the effects on the immortal soul of man that you attribute to it. Where does this lead her? to heaven? To hell?”

The judge leans forward, softening his voice: "I understand that you sell these materials to your customers, sir. Do you at least warn them about the side effects that are expected of them, in this world and the next?"

The defendant begins to tremble: "There are no side effects, Your Honor. I swear to you, it's all XNUMX percent safe."

The attorney's office: "Talk to him about the ginger! On the ginger!”

The judge turns to the prosecutor's office in annoyance: "Are you ready to stop this?"

Turning back to the accused: "It is written here that ginger eliminates every bacteria and pest that enters the body. In itself, this is bad enough - the body is full of good bacteria that help it digest food and fight the bad bacteria. You're killing everyone here together. But his elimination abilities intrigue me. Does it kill viruses?”

The accused, surprised: "I don't know, Your Honor."

Judge: "What about mushrooms?"

The accused: "I don't know, Your Honor. They didn't teach me about it in the naturopaths course."

Judge: "What about single-celled parasites like malaria?"

The accused, in despair: "I really don't know. In the course we were only told that ginger kills every pest."

The judge hits his desk with the gavel in disgust: "Very serious! If the ginger kills any pest, the body will not have time to develop a natural vaccine, and this may disrupt the body's entire immune system. It's clear to me, sir, that you're dealing with high-risk materials here, and you're selling them as if they were simple spices!"

The judge pauses, mulling his mind: "Sir, I am forced to extend the duration of your detention, until the prosecution formulates an indictment for drug trafficking and illegal drugs, which may cause real harm to public health."

The accused, pleading: "Your Honor, this is just naturopathy. You don't have to take everything so literally. Sometimes they exaggerate a bit, they exaggerate a bit. Nevertheless, we are not like Western medicine."

The judge: "But you wrote in the health section of Ynet that spices have all these abilities. Are you trying to imply, sir, that you deliberately misled an entire public just to get some lousy headlines in the paper?"

The accused, with trembling legs: "Honorable judge, please, be reasonable. No one believes everything written in the health section with their eyes closed."

The judge, smiling with pursed lips: "If we don't believe the naturopaths, who will we believe?"

The accused, eyes running, drops of saliva splashing from the mouth: "To the doctors, Your Honor! Leave you out of this article, there are almost no medical studies that support it. And what is a soul anyway? No one knows and has not tested it. And have you seen what they rely on as proof that olive oil helps male fertility? About Maimonides, Honorable Judge. Maimonides, from nine hundred years ago. I ask you, honorable judge, is this really an article that should be taken seriously?"

The judge angrily lands the hammer on the table: "That's enough! Your poor attempts to avoid responsibility will not work. I am sending you to remand. The prosecutor's office will draw up an indictment for selling and soliciting the irresponsible use of dangerous substances with medical activity."

Turning to the prosecutor's office: "Take him from here."

The accused was dragged to the courtroom doors screaming and writhing. The doors close behind him. A sudden silence reigns in the hall. The judge massages his temples with light nerves and turns to the prosecutor's office -

"Bring me a cup of tea, please, before the next discussion."

He pauses, pondering, and adds, "And don't forget to add Louisa. For the soul."

- - - - - - - - -

Written inspired by the article Incredibly delusional which was published in Lema-Net.


  1. Is this a site about science? May God help me... also every doctoral student will be my God.

    It is clear and known that medicinal herbs help and heal...

    Nano technology and nano science... what do they even teach you there?

    Produce proteins from a mouse, inject them into a rabbit and invent shampoo with toxic substances?

    My friend is pregnant with nausea and vomiting. I brought her ginger and it helped. Go argue with that.

  2. S.

    It's a bit hard to argue against something when it's not properly defined. Let's define what truth is, otherwise the discussion may be completely semantic.
    And thanks for the health wishes 🙂

  3. the other me
    Really be healthy

    True there is one.

    Opinions - there are many.

    So this is your opinion, for those who are interested in your opinion.

    But this is a site that deals with science, not people's opinions.
    You are welcome to read a little more, to understand why for your personal anecdote
    There may be value for you, but not for the world of science and all of humanity.

  4. my dear father,

    You are jumping to very strange conclusions...
    The links I provided are not from another truth finder, they are links to original articles and articles from around the world.

    Besides, I have an independent opinion, truth and logic are at the forefront of my mind, right, sometimes it contradicts the scientific knowledge accumulated up to a certain point in time. And it's true, sometimes I find that I made a mistake and I gladly confess, as I did in the Alanin case. There is no ego involved here at all, nor is there a constant judgment of pros and cons of this or that site.

    Speaking of milk - from my experience the milk that is marketed to us today is very far from the source that comes out of the cow's udder. It's not surprising at all that people develop all kinds of reactions (and it's not just lactose sensitivity). I am a clear case of the matter and no amount of research you bring will convince me to put this thing in my body because the suffering afterwards is simply
    Not worth. And again - I don't have a sensitivity to lactose, it's about the reactivity of the respiratory system and the skin.

    No one has a mandate for the truth, and if you want an original interpretation of the matter - truth is a completely personal thing based on knowledge and life experience.

    An example from my life:
    I recovered from an illness that the doctor gave me no chance of ever recovering from, I used techniques that you might call guided imagery but they are much more than that, and I recovered within three weeks. That was five years ago and to this day there is no sign of the disease - and this is proven by blood tests.
    Because I have experienced and experienced this, I have a solid truth about the superiority of consciousness over matter and using consciousness to change reality. It is clear to me that this will sound to the audience of loyal readers here as a story in Alma but that is precisely because it is not their truth or yours but mine and none of you can argue against what I experienced myself. (Since then I have used methods to heal myself from a few other things, more minor it should be noted but which interfered with my quality of life).

    Sorry for digging, but this is my truth, for those who are really interested 🙂

  5. To the other me, now it is clear why you are not ready to listen to the truth, because you are listening to "a different truth". For those who don't understand, this is a site that makes itself believe in any conspiracy theory and reject any logical "institutional" explanation.
    There is no point in even arguing, they will believe in astrology, numerology, that fools run our lives, that September 11 is an American conspiracy, that milk is poisonous, you should not even take them seriously for one second and certainly not their links.

  6. I am waiting with bated breath for the release of my response... there are already signs of turning blue...

  7. dear people,

    My opinion is that the absurdity I mentioned stands.
    I did not find the link I meant in my previous response - but these also provide the same insight:
    And unpasteurized milk is also a prohibited substance, it turns out...
    The original article in which the above links appear:

    I am of the opinion that those who want to try natural treatments and invest their money in them have the right to do so. There's no way my entire herb garden will become a banned substance.

    And speaking of this - if the governments of the world think that peppermint is a forbidden substance - maybe the naturopaths are not so wrong after all... Roy - back to you...

  8. My dear, I suggest that you go back and read the article more carefully, it is not certain that the absurdity described in the article is aimed at the pharmaceutical companies.
    It is possible, and I say this with extreme caution, that the criticism is directed towards the attempt to hold the stick at both ends and claim on the one hand that certain treatments/medications have amazing effects and on the other hand ignore the possible danger that those treatments may cause when used unwisely (overdose, interactions between drugs, etc...).
    All this, of course, before we entered into the question of whether the said treatments fulfill the same things that are attributed to them.
    Let's put it another way - either there are real claims about their effectiveness and then the mind gives that there is a possibility of real damage from their ill-informed use or it is just nonsense. (Whispers that bring in huge sums of money by the way).

  9. What is sad is that this article, as delusional as it is describing a reality that has already happened. The US authorities raided a natural medicine clinic, arrested the healers and took away all the herbal periods on the grounds that they were dangerous substances. When I find the link I will post it.

    There are very strong economic interests here of pharmaceutical companies backed by the FDA

  10. Beautiful and hits the mark.

    Although I think it's a shame that conventional medicine doesn't research enough what healthy foods are and why they're healthy, so we need all those charlatans, I mean, when your back is caught, you have to turn to someone who doesn't have a 'conventional' certificate...

  11. The huge advantage of naturopathy over general medicine and homeopathy and the reason it wins by a crushing knock out and even Roy Cezana will not be able to ignore is that its medicines are the tastiest!
    What's better than a medical prescription such as "take chicken, saute with pineapple and celery in ginger and lots of garlic, add soy and spices like the king's hand, sprinkle coriander at the end, serve hot on a bed of white rice (what to do when whole rice is not tasty) and you will be cured of all diseases including post-traumatic stress disorder" the birth? a dream come true. Not disgusting like conventional medicines and not tasteless like homeopathy.

  12. Dear pig, you are not accurate, rather quite a few studies are being conducted on the effects of plants and including things of the animal species (in fact the pharmaceutical industry is based on this). After you understand what the active ingredients are, you try to create them in a synthetic way both for the purpose of increasing effectiveness and for the purpose of reducing costs and for the purpose of reducing the risk of a side effect and the like...
    And regarding the economic business, it should be remembered that naturopathy (like the rest of the "alternative" industry) is an economic business and has a clear interest in not conducting studies that meet scientific standards if it suspects the reliability of the treatment, since it has no interest in reducing the "basket of treatments" from which it profits Money is so beautiful...
    In addition, it has an interest in portraying the situation as if no studies are being conducted even if in fact they are being conducted if they exclude a large part of the "Torah" that they claim to represent.

  13. On the one hand, you are right. It doesn't make sense to write something whose references are so poor.
    On the other hand, it should be remembered that the pharmaceutical industry is an economic business, and it avoids developing drugs that it does not have the ability to patent. It even has a name: an orphan drug.
    Many times there is scientific evidence for active ingredients in various plants, but there is no entity that markets it, so doctors do not tell their patients to "eat garlic". If it's not in a pill or an injection, medicine usually tends to ignore it.
    From a brief check in PubMed, there are dozens and hundreds of studies on Louisa, garlic, coriander and other spices, which seemingly show a multitude of activities. For example, Louisa's antidepressant activity. I haven't read any of them critically, but maybe there's something to it?

  14. The people demand a critical press,
    The time has come for the newspaper systems not to shirk their duty to stand for the reliability of the articles published in their newspapers/website.
    It is ridiculous and dangerous that for reasons of ratings or advertisers' money they are willing to harm the holy of holies of journalism which is the search for truth.
    Doubly annoying by the way that those same articles enjoy the prestige and (supposed) integrity of the newspaper.
    The face of these articles as the face of the entire newspaper, I have no doubt that the same journalistic standard is also used when they come to write about any of the other areas that appear in the newspaper.

  15. After we rejected all the possibilities and the last one remained, then I realized that there would be no lawyer anymore either

  16. I don't know about the fertility, but this is one of the things that Shams is good at and for easy reading I gave you a net scientific link, so the next time you doubt there are some more scientific studies on the other plants in the article, by the way.
    You won't know if you never try, maybe it can help you too.. 😉

  17. Hahaha well done.. although I think not everyone will understand the irony :)
    You just forgot to mention the crush protection.. "It's plants, it's natural, it's not as dangerous as chemical substances".
    And the judge's answer... Is cyanide, which is natural and comes straight from almonds, non-toxic?

    Full disclosure - I believe that many plants do have healing abilities - and that modern medicine wanted to adopt them as "real" medicines that can be sold.

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