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NASA confirms in a press conference: brackish water flows on Mars today

Expanding channels and seasonal products, contain salt solutions in large quantities, which are in a liquid state at a temperature of minus 23 degrees and above.

For news from 2011 about the initial discovery of these channels. Even then, NASA suspected that they originated from the flow of water in the present

The dark narrow channel known as recurring slope lineae flows down a hill on Mars photographed in infrared light and appears to be an area where water flows today. Recently, scientists located brackish water on this hill located in the Hale Crater, thus confirming an original hypothesis that the channel was indeed formed by flowing water. The blue color upstream does not seem to belong to this configuration but rather they are formed in the presence of the mineral peroxin. Credits: NASA/JPL/University of Arizona
The dark narrow channel known as recurring slope lineae flows down a hill on Mars photographed in infrared light and appears to be an area where water flows today. Recently, scientists located brackish water on this hill located in the Hale Crater, thus confirming an original hypothesis that the channel was indeed formed by flowing water. The blue color upstream does not seem to belong to this configuration but rather they are formed in the presence of the mineral peroxin. Credits: NASA/JPL/University of Arizona

New findings from the Naissance Orbiter (MRO) have provided strong evidence that water in a liquid accretion state flows in sudden bursts on present-day Mars.
The scientists used MRO's Imaging Spectrometer and discovered a signature of mineral hydrates (minerals that contain water) on a slope where a mysterious channel is located. The dark stripe looks like it has dried and filled with water many times. Water appears to flow there during the Martian warm season and then disappear during the cold seasons. These channels appear in several places on Mars when the temperature exceeds minus 23 degrees Celsius and disappear during colder periods.

These channels, called recurring slope linea - RSL - dark lines on the slope that recur (seasonally) have often been described as being associated with flowing water. The new findings of hydric salts on these slopes seem to be related to these dark formations. These salts were at a lower temperature than the melting point of salt water, just as salts cause the earth's ice and snow to melt faster (therefore they are thrown on snow-prone roads before a storm.

These dark, narrow channels called (SRL) recurring slope lineae emanate from the walls of Garni Crater on Mars. The dark channels here reach a length of hundreds of meters. It is hypothesized that they were formed by the flow of brackish water on Mars, as photographed by the MRO spacecraft. Credits: NASA/JPL/University of Arizona
These dark, narrow channels called (SRL) recurring slope lineae emanate from the walls of Garni Crater on Mars. The dark channels here reach a length of hundreds of meters. It is hypothesized that they were formed by the flow of brackish water on Mars, as photographed by the MRO spacecraft. Credits: NASA/JPL/University of Arizona

"We discovered hydrated salts only when the seasonal configuration was broad, which indicates that either the dark channels themselves or the process that created them is the source of the water. In any case, the discovery of hydrate salts on these slopes indicates that water plays an essential role in the creation of these channels" says Lujanara Ojah from the Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta and the author of the report on these findings published on September 28 in the journal Nature Geoscience.

Ojah first noticed these enigmatic formations when he was an undergraduate student at the University of Arizona in 2020. He examined MRI images from the High Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (HiRISE). HiRISE observations showed an abundance of channels of this type at dozens of sites on Mars. The new study combines the HiRISE observations with the mineral mapping done by another of its instruments - the MRO Compact Reconnaissance Imaging Spectrometer for Mars (CRISM).

The spectrometer observations showed a signature of hydrated salts at many RSL sites, but only when these dark formations were broad. When the researchers observed the same sites, these SRLs were not as large, and no hydrated salts were detected.

Ojha and colleagues interpret the spectral signature as being caused by hydrated minerals called perchlorates. These salt solutions are most likely a mixture of magnesium perchloride, magnesium chloride and sodium perchloride. Some perchlorates remained in a liquid state even in cold conditions of minus seventy degrees. On Earth, perchlorates of natural origin are concentrated in deserts, and some types of them can be used as rocket fuel.

Perchlorates have previously been found on Mars. The Mars lander Phoenix and the Mars rover Curiosity discovered them on the planet's soil, and some scientists believe that Viking spacecraft in the 2006s also measured signatures of these sailors. However, in the study of these SRLs, these perchlorates were discovered in a liquid state, unlike the areas studied by the landings. This is also the first time that perchlorates have been identified in a photograph from the track. MRO has been orbiting and studying Mars since XNUMX using six scientific instruments.

"MRO's ability to observe Mars for many Mars years with instruments capable of discerning fine details in these formations has made these types of findings possible. First, these seasonal channels were identified and now we have taken a huge step forward when we understood where they came from." says Rich Zurek, an MRO project scientist at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in California.
For Ojah, the new findings are proof that the mysterious lines he first saw five years ago are indeed the product of current flowing water.
"When people talk about water on Mars, they usually talk about ancient water or frozen water," he said. Now we know the story is more complex. This is the first spectral discovery that supports the hypothesis that flowing water is the source of these channels."

"It took spacecraft many, many years to solve this mystery and now we know that water flows on the surface of this cold, desert planet," says Michael Meyer, chief scientist of the Mars Exploration Program at the company's headquarters in Washington. "It seems that the more we explore Mars, the more we learn about how life could be supported and where the resources are to support life in the future." He said, referring to the subject that has raised many questions, the issue of the manned flight to Mars. The speakers at the press conference did not give a definitive answer but said that at least one thing is certain, the Mars 2020 spacecraft will be designed so that it can investigate the phenomenon in depth."

"Our journey to Mars is kind of a game of 'follow the water' in the search for life in the universe and we now have compelling science that confirms what we have suspected for a long time," said John Grunsfeld, astronaut and NASA assistant administrator for science at NASA Headquarters in Washington. "This is a significant development that seems to confirm the fact that water, albeit brackish, is flowing on the surface of Mars today."

to NASA's announcement


More of the topic in Hayadan:


  1. Asaf
    There are quite a few variables that affect the configuration of the dunes.
    The main ones are: the topography of the area, the direction and strength of the wind and the type of sand grains that make up the dune.

    Here are some giant worms from a desert on Earth:

    And a very general explanation of the different forms of the dunes:

  2. Yes.. I guess these pictures could support science fiction films, without needing any computerized editing.

    But what is interesting is what is really the explanation for these phenomena? These dunes are unusual in their color and shape!

  3. good life

    I understood why NASA did not answer you. The reason is because all the information is available.

    39,155 images on 1,632 pages (24 images per page)

    For each photo fill information (such as where it was taken, what was taken, resolution and source)

    Find the photo there, see where it was taken, find and look at more photos there.

  4. Hey,

    Can someone help me understand why these dunes, in all the photos, get such an unusual color from the rest of the landscape?
    And why do they stand out like that, as if they are made of a completely different material?

    In particular in this picture - if anyone can provide an explanation for the black spots.

    Wow, a fascinating star... until now I thought it was some desert with some stones.

  5. Life
    I developed for myself a "filter for things (that I think are) nonsense". In the meantime, the filter proves itself - things that do not pass the filter include homeopathy, gods and idols, ancient aliens, souls and spirits, and the Loch Ness monster.

    The filter is simple - it rejects everything that has no evidence or contradicts the accepted laws of nature. He also dismisses a great many conspiracies, such as Kamtrails, resistance to fluoridation and vaccines, denial of global warming and 9/11.

    Let's look at the story of the worms. There are thousands of such photographs, and only a few resemble living creatures. You are dishonest - you did not say "let's be open minded", but accused NASA of lies and fraud.
    I am here with an open mind - I went looking for more photos and more explanations. I also happen to know a little about the brain, and I know that we have mechanisms that make us see things in a certain way, as part of an optimization process that the brain performs. For example - do you know that we recognize faces even before the information from the visual system reaches the brain? I once participated in an experiment that demonstrated exactly this phenomenon.

    The one who determines, in this case, is you.

  6. walking dead
    It is even more extreme - because a scientist is *measured* by the amount of his publications, and the links to these publications.

    Beyond that, NASA's information is visible, including the list of researchers, including photographs, including studies. NASA will be happy if someone from the public discovers something interesting from the information they provide - it will be a resounding success and justification for the money they "waste".

  7. Miracles

    From my personal acquaintance with scientists, the issue of publication is often much more a function of the fact that they are a bit enthusiastic about any pips, so that they immediately run to share the thing they are enthusiastic about, than the need for publication itself (although as mentioned there is a difference between person to person). Therefore, to assume that someone at NASA has exciting information at the level of finding life on Mars and instead of hearing about it in every hole, they sit on it to publish it little by little while preparing the general public for this information (what's more, it probably won't really move the general public to discover life on Mars considering that which is likely to be microorganisms) is really ridiculous and improbable.

  8. Life

    You comment to Nissim on the form of his reaction.

    Please take the same critical look at the things you wrote.

    You may be trying to sound cautious with your words but you come off as very conspiratorial.

    Because NASA hides things, publishes in drips, anyone who wants can understand from my words what they want, etc.

  9. Miracles
    I will respond for the last time. Re-read my first comment with the photos. I present my words with the utmost care. I don't set rivets. In the exam, you should also think about another option, even if it seems incorrect on its face. Even if you have doubts, do not hesitate to present your words without fear of criticism. I repeat, I have been following your responses to other commenters for a long time. You always respond categorically. Leave room for doubt.

  10. Life
    Someone already said that if you hold your head open, your brain can fall out...

    I will say again, as others here say again and again - to laymen like us it looks like dunes, and to experts on the subject it looks like dunes.

    If you really think that NASA knows that they are worms and are simply waiting for the right moment to publish, then you are really delusional - NASA, that is, humans, have a tendency to publish too soon and no one (except maybe for individuals like Copernicus and Darwin) waits for the right moment...

    Scientists are much more interested in publicity than in money, and the first one whose name will be linked to the discovery of extraterrestrial life will go down in history. Be sure enough researchers have seen these images for one to post.

  11. Life
    It is not clear to me how you know that NASA releases a statement that water flows on Mars "every year".
    Maybe you mean past flow evidence? The reason for the media noise is that this is the first time there is evidence of flowing water now and not in the distant past.
    Second, "in my opinion, NASA is slowly releasing its findings to the public. Try to understand why." Why do you need to imply, be clever and hide information in the blink of an eye? Do you have any claim? Say what it is and why you think so.

  12. Life

    I looked closely at the picture and it is quite clearly not a worm coming out of a hole. This is probably an optical illusion for you.

    A worm 10 meters long plus with a diameter of more than half a meter does not leave traces that can be seen with a resolution of 25 cm? seriously? Is that something you seriously claim?

  13. Life

    Who did you contact? Try to personally contact directly the people who have access to the information. For example in the first link I gave you via reddit. They stated there that part of the way they reached their conclusions was by examining photographs from different periods of those areas.
    that in such a situation, if you don't get it, you ask again in another way.

    You cannot publish an article on the basis of one picture because it is clear to you that you cannot draw any conclusions on the basis of one picture.

    I see dunes there that are like them all over Mars so I don't feel the need for more pictures.

  14. Strong
    The first photo is probably a slope of some kind of crater and what you see on its side are channels in which water used to flow, and there are many of these in many craters.
    The third photograph is of Dune and there are also many of this type.
    As for the second photograph, to the best of my recollection, an amoeba is a single-celled creature, so it cannot be a giant amoeba. I don't know what you see.
    As for your claim that I accuse NASA of hiding the truth, take it easy. In my opinion, NASA is slowly releasing its findings to the public. Try to understand why. I'm not implying anything criminal.. Be patient. My impression is that during the year additional findings no less important than evidence of flowing water will be published. They repeat these testimonies every year or so.

  15. Life
    In order to strengthen your argument, I am attaching pictures from Mars that are not accessible to the general public (except for those who have a personal computer with a modem and a connection to the Internet)
    Giant Curly:

    Macro amoebae:

    Giant jellyfish

    And now seriously. There is no problem presenting arguments online. They will in no way be considered scientific arguments, but there is nothing wrong with presenting them
    The problem is, you seem to choose to ignore more plausible possibilities than giant worms (sand dunes created by dust storms for example). It seems you prefer to follow your heart's desires.
    Also, it is not clear to me what you are "accusing" NASA scientists of. Do you accuse them of hiding the "truth"?
    If so, publishing incriminating photos to the general public is a very unwise tactic.
    Or maybe you blame them for being stupid? (They published a photo and you were the first to recognize curly hair in it).
    I will guess that every satellite image that is captured goes through the hands of several professionals long before it is released to the public and I don't think it is likely that everyone will repeat the same mistake.
    And finally, a question for those who understand better than me: how do you actually distinguish between liquid water that evaporated and left salt deposits and ice that passed through the mirror and left those deposits behind?

  16. walking dead
    And maybe there are traces, but they are below the range of resolution? I cannot give an unequivocal answer. Try in any way you see fit to enlarge the lower image and see if your assumption or mine is correct. Just zoom in so the image doesn't lose its sharpness and look like a smear. There is another possibility and that is that we will both fly there and check. What do you think? I hope you have a space suit at home so we can fly there today. Checking the passports of both of us will be done quickly.
    By the way, maybe change the nickname you gave yourself to something less grave? Is your morbidness part of your humor.

  17. Miracles
    I happen to speak English close to my mother tongue. If you read my article carefully you would see that my wording is cautious and not categorical. This is how it should be written. Do not write in unequivocal judgments. This is a hypothesis that only time, i.e. launching future spacecraft to Mars will show if my argument is true or not. Please, don't cut down as sweepingly as you are used to doing, even if the article is not in the mainstream. With your extensive knowledge you can afford and your age (I assume you are 58-57) to leave room for computer flexibility. Just benefit from it intellectually.

  18. walking dead
    I did contact NASA and even several times and no one bothered to answer me. I asked for photographs of the same area taken at different times in order to examine whether there have been changes over time in relation to these formations, have they disappeared or not? Has their configuration changed? Has their color faded or changed? I deliberately did not specify why. In the 80s, my every request was answered positively. For example, I asked for maps of the large moons of Jupiter and I even got them for free. This time nothing, not even a link to compatible sites. All that remains for me is to present my argument. I cannot publish an article based on one photograph in Icarus. What's more, the article should span several pages. With a respectable list of sources. Tell me what's wrong with presenting my argument online. Keep in mind that publication in journals takes months, from the moment the article is received, review by lecturers and the publication itself. The advantage of the Internet is that advertising is immediate. This way you maintain primacy in case an argument you present turns out to be true. And if the argument turns out to be false then what? You too should try to publish articles in this way and not only in comments to articles whether they are mine or someone else's. Try to come up with something that is your own. By the way, today in the professional literature in any field there are references to publications on the Internet both to present a topic, both to confirm arguments and to refute arguments.

  19. Life

    Why do you bother trying to post findings on pictures from Mars but not with pictures from Earth? Why don't you go through all the satellite and aerial photographs of the country and see if there are worms hiding from you? It could be that in one of the deserts in the world there are giant worms that haven't been discovered yet by people because they haven't bothered to check if they exist there. No?

    Now with a little less stinging. You have a hypothesis/feeling/thought. Great, what do we do with it now? Write a blog that introduces her and close a story? Maybe we'll try to behave in a slightly scientific way (sorry for the rude word)?
    Here's a suggestion for you. Write to NASA and ask them for more pictures of the area in the picture. This way you can form your opinion based on more than one picture where you decided you found something. This will allow you to confirm or refute your hypothesis. Isn't it better than the current situation?

  20. Life
    Again - look at the photo that *you* linked to. You see a large amount of these shapes there. Some look like worms, but most look like dunes.

    I have seen many other photographs showing the same phenomenon, and it looks like dunes.

    I directed you to an article that describes the phenomenon and even gives it a name.

    I didn't say that they did a doctorate on the subject - I said that many people who are doctorates on the subject researched and are researching the matter.

    If your English is not good enough to read about the subject then don't fool yourself that you understand something in the field.

    I don't have to prove that they are not life forms - you are the one who has to prove that they are indeed animals. You have to explain why you don't see footprints, what they eat, and why they usually look like dunes..

    Your argument reminds me of human footprints next to dinosaur footprints, crop circles, and crash landing fields. Not serious….

  21. Miracles
    In all the photographs I have seen there are many dunes and I have them in my private archive. This formation is not similar in shape to any red dune that I know. Can you show me such a dune formation on Earth? If you can give me an explanation for the formation of this formation. Persuade it to be in Hebrew and not in Klingon (remember Star Trek).

  22. Miracles
    I didn't say there were thousands of worms there. I said I saw thousands of pictures from Mars. If you can send me references to doctoral theses dealing with these formations or their abstracts preferably accompanied by corresponding photographs preferably works referring to the photograph I sent you.

  23. Life
    There are geology doctors who have studied these pictures, and there are many pictures that show the "worms" as dunes. Also in the picture you linked to, as I said, you can see that it is a phenomenon of dunes.

    From what you say, there are thousands of giant worms in there, and that's just in the few pictures I've seen. I have not found any article on the phenomenon that even hints that these are living beings - and in my opinion rightly so.

  24. walking dead
    And maybe there are traces, but they are below the range of resolution? I cannot give an unequivocal answer. Try in any way you see fit to enlarge the lower image and see if your assumption or mine is correct. Just zoom in so the image doesn't lose its sharpness and look like a smear. There is another possibility and that is that we will both fly there and check. What do you think? I hope you have a space suit at home so we can fly there today. Checking the passports of both of us will be done quickly.
    By the way, maybe change the nickname you gave yourself to something less grave? Is your morbidness part of your humor.

  25. Life

    Your worms appear in many other pictures there and there is nothing unique about them to the picture you selected. In fact, it seems to me that if you look for such on earth you will also find such worms.

    What's more, if we take your estimate of 25 cm per pixel, we get worms over 10 meters long that leave no marks on the ground when they move. Reasonable in your opinion?

  26. Miracles
    I studied geology and my focus in astronomy is planetary geology and geological analysis believe me I know how to do and in my way of thinking I often think outside the box.

  27. Miracles
    I'm not talking in hints. I mean the photographs published by NASA I am attaching one of them. As in this photograph, so also in other photographs, no explanation is attached. I tried to look for an explanation for the phenomenon and could not find it. Maybe you will find. I formulate my explanation very carefully.. If you have another explanation or find an explanation for this, please. Just don't overwhelm me with any explanation you see fit. I will respect any explanation.

    The site itself is attached

  28. Life

    By the way, showing photos today is something you can easily do using a scanner or camera in addition to file sharing sites (IMGUR or GOOGLEDOCS).

    I would love to see the photos you are interested in sharing.

  29. Life
    I don't understand why you have to talk in hints. The discovery of flowing water is indeed an amazing and important discovery.

    I have no doubt that if signs of life were found, the whole world would hear about it very quickly. This is not something that can be kept a secret.

    I am convinced that there is more life in the universe, and I hope we discover it, or maybe they discover us. But I don't think we may have discovered life but are hiding it. I read a lot, and every book I've read so far is grandma's stories. Those who were found to be dishonest are super-rips like Von-Daniken and the AA gang, and not researchers who know what science is.

  30. Miracles
    I have known the subject for years and, as I mentioned, I have seen and examined thousands of photographs. This is how many times they go to the press with the same message. What's the point of recycling the same message? Even in the professional literature, and I know it well, they clearly talk about finding water on Mars with clear evidence that water flowed at least in the past. Try treating NASA as a pressure group through the tools of political science and you will understand what I mean. I don't want to write scrolls, so I write very concisely on the border of the telegram. My assessment is that you remember the Israel Post telegrams. If you were in Israel, I would invite you to my place and show you photographs and to be honest, they would raise at least one question mark for you.

  31. Life
    My understanding of what you said is that you speak without foundation. NASA Lett receives budgets from press releases, and the information collected is not the private property of NASA.

    You blame NASA for something, and you yourself do what you blame. Not pretty 🙂

  32. Amazing news. So close to home, a two-year rocket-propelled journey away, there is water that can be prayed for. You can grow algae there and create an atmosphere. Not sure you won't evaporate into space. At least an atmosphere in closed cells can be produced. Instead of letting Obama and Putin fight, it's better to deal with it. Today there are also plasma engines, which have overcome the need to carry increasing and unimaginable amounts of fuel for propulsion.

  33. From the announcement made yesterday about a dramatic discovery that will be made today at a press conference, one got the impression of an unusual finding such as, for example, microorganisms in the soil samples that were tested in the tiny laboratory in the SUV... The reality of water on Mars has been known for a long time. Among the researchers there were those who indicated the possibility of water flow today. A bit disappointing, not that the news itself is not important. The impression is that this announcement was intended to receive additional budgets from the government. As someone who has been following the space flights to Mars for years, my impression is that NASA knows more than what has been given to the press and the more dramatic revelations will be published slowly and gradually. During my long follow-up I saw and examined thousands of photographs. Whoever wants can understand what he wants from my words.

  34. I am surprised that the trivial question was not asked in the article: they always claim that where there is water, there is life. So why didn't they continue to search and answer this already at this stage?

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