They too were convinced that mysticism is nonsense, that dreams are just dreams, that ancestors are eye-catchers, that there is no connection between fate and astrology, that a séance is a ritual full of deception and that every phenomenon has a simple rational explanation. But then something strange happened to them. very strange. 13 (but what) civilians died
By: Eilat Baram and Orly Gal
It doesn't take a prophetic sense to know the following details about you: you are curious, strive for perfection,
Critical, have an aesthetic sense and love to help. You once had a meaningful relationship
You came out of it hurt, you like to do things with your hands, you had difficulties in life but
You managed to overcome them thanks to your special character and the support you received from a close soul. after
Hard days you will go through, a good time will come, and it is very possible that you will enjoy a trip in the coming year (maybe
already during the Passover holiday).
Predictions and comprehensive character analyzes of this kind are easy to make and very easy to explain, but there are events
which is difficult to dismiss with contempt full of cynicism. It is doubly difficult when the narrator is a rational and reliable person, innocent
Mystical tendencies in his private life. In such cases, even when looking for non-Western explanations
Graces of heaven, pendulums, stars and cards, they are not always visible to the eye. for your judgment.
in fathers
"הגעתי לרב המקובל יוסף שריקי מנתיבות במסגרת כתבה עיתונאית שלא היתה קשורה במישרין
or indirectly to his abilities as accepted and as a father. His brother, who acts as his driver, told me before I entered
For the meeting: 'You will tremble'. Not as a threat, but more as a kind of promise. I didn't take it seriously.
I went in, put the tape on the table, and before I started recording, Rabbi Shariky asked me my name
And for my mother's name. He then diagnosed two medical problems that my mother was suffering from, and pointed out their location
the exact one in the body. In one problem she was treated by doctors and Shreeke said that the treatment was for nothing,
And he was right. The second problem he diagnosed, nerve sensitivity in the shoulder area, has been troubling her for years
Many, but she never complained about it or treated it.
"התחלתי לרעוד מבפנים. תוך דקות ספורות התמלאתי יראה, כך שלא היה לי עוז לבקש ממנו
stop talking It's scary. The things he said he could not have known even if he had hired a team
Talented and diligent investigators from the moment he knew I was going to reach him, because some of them are not written in the documents
And there are also things he predicted. Apparently he had an interest in impressing me so that it would affect the tone
in the article, but I tried very hard not to let that happen. I guess if I'm ever in trouble, I'll go back to him
(Y', journalist)
הרב מאיר אזרי, רב רפורמי מהמרכז ליהדות מתקדמת, מזועזע. "ביהדות שהתפתחה בישראל
In recent years, gangs of vigilantes, who call themselves rabbis, have emerged, and they take advantage
בורות וחולשה ומציעים מגוון כשפים וטקסים," הוא מתריע. "היהדות שאני מכיר רחוקה
from acts of sorcery and mysticism and casts a heavy stain on sorcerers and miracle workers of all kinds, who bring down the
Judaism fornicates and gives rise to ancestor worship. The problem is that the enlightened public does not destroy the
המיתוסים, ולא נותן בידי התמימים כלים לשבור את התעשייה הזאת."
פרופ' יואל דונחין, רופא בכיר בבית החולים הדסה עין כרם, שמח לנפץ את המיתוס. "אני
I don't know how to define nerve sensitivity in the shoulders, but for a suitable baba suit, it helps
Let him mentally prepare the people for the fateful meeting and a modest amount, I am ready to tell a hundred people what it is
Their relatives have an illness. To one I will say that his father suffers from back pain when he bends, and to another
that his grandfather suffers from difficulty urinating, so he should go to the doctor before it's too late. I guess
That my chances of success would be around fifty percent, which would consist of a wild guess in addition
אינטואיציה בריאה."
"יש הרבה אנשים שמדברים על קבלת אינפורמציה באופן לא מוסבר," אומר ד"ר דוד גרין,
מומחה בפסיכולוגיה קלינית ומנהל מכון גרין לפסיכולוגיה מתקדמת, "אבל כל ההוכחות
coming from among believers. These are mostly coincidences, but the prevailing explanation is telepathy or
אינטואיציות חזקות מאוד."
פרופ' שניאור ליפסון, פיזיקאי וכימאי במכון ויצמן, הרבה פחות סלחני: "יש לי ברירה
To choose between imagination and falsehood, but how can I say without being there? It could be that the rabbi sent
Spies either hypnotized Y., or Y. didn't understand what was said because of the excitement. We can only guess what happened
שם, אבל השערות יש לבדוק בשיטה מדעית."
Prof. Kadama Bar Eli, from the School of Chemistry at Tel Aviv University, is ready to try his hand:
"קשה לי להאמין שהשריקי הנ"ל מעסיק גדודי תחקירנים, אבל מכיוון שהיה לו אינטרס ברור
To impress the journalist, it is possible. In any case, there is no doubt that Shreeke succeeded. The journalist is so
התרשם מהעניין, שהוא התחיל לרעוד וטען שאם יהיה אי פעם בצרה ישוב אליו."
If you were him, wouldn't you be impressed?
"ברור שהייתי מתפעל, אבל גם הקוסם ליאור מנור מרשים, ולא הייתי הולך להתייעץ איתו
בנושאים אישיים."
To Zahar Lev Naor, who prefers to be called Tara, a spiritual guide from Rishon Lezion, it is absolutely clear what
קרה שם. "מערכת העצבים עובדת על חשמל. כשעובר בה יותר מדי זרם יש רעד, איבוד הכרה
And even short, what is called a stroke. This receiver works with high electrical frequencies because
People who do spiritual work practice their systems. When a person enters a charged electric field
More than usual the natural reaction is trembling. The law of resonance states that if you put two loudspeakers to the same
Note in two separate rooms and hit one of them, the other will also start vibrating without being touched. as per
These laws, which are completely physical, when Y thinks about his mother, the rabbi can direct himself
לתדר הנכון ולקבל את המחשבה."
ד"ר יאיר למפל, סגן מנהל המחלקה הנוירולוגית בבית החולים וולפסון, מסכים רק למשפט
הראשון: "המוח באמת פועל בעזרת גלי חשמל, שניתן לקלוט בבדיקת א.א.ג, אבל תדר גבוה
More is not better. Above or below the number of brain waves per unit of time, this is an abnormal situation.
You see things like this in people who take certain medications. A stroke is a condition in which some
from the brain destroyed by blockage or bursting of blood vessels; This is not the result of overactivity. nothing
No evidence of a person's ability to dress on another person's brainwaves, or change their AEG.
It doesn't make sense, and anyway, a person's brain waves don't affect people around them, really
כמו שהא.ק.ג שלי לא משפיע על פעילות הלב של אדם אחר."
The hero of the story, Rabbi Yosef Shariki, is not interested in being interviewed. Moti Shariki, his son and manager
לשכתו, מסביר מדוע: "איך הרב אומר? 'רעות מחשבות בלב איש ועצתי תקום'. רעות זה ראשי
Radio, newspaper, video, television boxes. Faith passes from ear to ear. I don't have two months
תור לתת לאנשים."
"שבעה חודשים לפני שאחי נהרג בלבנון חלמתי שהוא עובר לנגד עיני כשהוא ירוי בראשו.
I don't attach importance to dreams, so I ignored this dream as well, but it came back all the same
week. My brother also had the feeling that he was going to die. He always told me he would die young. Even
We prepared a list of names, who to notify when killed. He told me to go to his funeral like I was going
for his wedding. I was not surprised when they came and informed us that he had been killed. A month before the disaster it started
To say goodbye to everyone around him, from his parents, rabbis and friends. I didn't go to investigate and I didn't search
הסברים, כי זה לא ישנה שום דבר."
(תמר הר שושנים, אחותו של יואב ז"ל, שנהרג בלבנון)
"הייתי חייל קרבי בלבנון, וחשבתי על מותי יותר מפעם אחת," מנסה להסביר הרב אזרי.
"כל פעם שעליתי לשם פחדתי מאוד, ולפעמים גם נפרדתי מאנשים. פעם אפילו השארתי מכתב
Farewell to my wife. When parents send a child to the army, they are afraid. A businessman who invests all his fortune
בבורסה לא חולם לפעמים שהבורסה נופלת? חלום כזה הוא טבעי."
Prof. Avi Auri, an expert in rehabilitation medicine at Tel Aviv University, thinks that such a dream is not
רק טבעי, אלא גם צפוי: "לבנון היא מקום מועד לפורענות כבר הרבה שנים. אנשים מפחדים,
They think and talk about it when they are completely awake, and some fears and concerns also appear in sleep.
Beyond that, I don't know if the report of the dream was made before or after the brother was killed. people have
נטייה לעגל את הפינות אחרי שדברים קורים."
"זה קרה זמן קצר אחרי שבני דולב נפטר. באותו יום הייתי אמורה להגיע לעבודה ב-,12
And so I allowed myself to sleep late. I woke up at eight thirty in the morning and went back to sleep. and then
I dreamed that Gal, my daughter, was driving a car. It seemed a little strange to me, because she was too young to drive
in the car, but she drove the car into an intersection, got stuck in a tree and died. The rest of the dream I walked around
the car and I shouted to God: 'You took Dolev from me, don't take Gal from me!'
"התעוררתי בתשע וחצי בהרגשה רעה, אבל אמרתי לעצמי שגל בבית הספר בשעה כזו, ולא צריך
attach importance to the dream. At ten she called me from the hospital and said she had an accident with
The motorcycle, but everything is fine. I believe she was supposed to die in an accident, and that my prayers
הצילו אותה."
(C, family doctor)
Prof. Dov Lichtenberg, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Medicine at Tel Aviv University, refuses to be impressed:
"כמה נשים חלמו שלילד שלהן קרה משהו, אבל לא קרה לו כלום ולכן אין להן מה לספר? אני
I know a lot of people who dreamed horrible things that didn't happen. It's a matter of chance. It's like the story
About the man who went to the doctor, and immediately received two medicines: for the prostate and for diabetes, because it was on his pants
There was a stain of urine with flies on it. So he happened to score a ball. In many other cases it did not come
לידי סיפור."
"אדם מפרש את החלומות לאור האירועים שבאו לאחר מכן," מוסיף ד"ר גרין, "אנחנו חולמים
every night and most dreams are not linked to talk. Not sure that what C thinks she dreamed is really
מה שהיא חלמה, כי אנשים נוטים להוסיף ולתקן בהתאם לדברים שקרו."
ד"ר יואב בן דב, מרצה לפיזיקה ולפילוסופיה של המדע במכון להיסטוריה של המדעים
at Tel Aviv University (and develops tarot cards in his free time), is not willing to ignore the phenomenon:
"הדבר הזה הוא מטבעו חמקני, כי הוא קשור לרבדים רגשיים ומצוי בשולי המציאות. זה לא
Something that goes beyond science or contradicts it, but happens on other levels. The only thing I am
יכול להגיד הוא שזה קורה גם לי וגם לאנשים שאני מכיר, אבל זה קורה בחיים ולא במדע."
צבי ינאי, לשעבר מנכ"ל משרד המדע, לא מוצא ערך בדיון, ומסביר מדוע: "נניח שתופיע
Someone will say that four hours before the earthquake, the angel Daniel appeared to her in a dream and told her
pack up and run. Suppose she is not a liar and really believes that she had such a dream. There is no way to prove
which is not true. That is why it is forbidden to argue with personal experiences. Science always turns out badly. They always are
יישארו בגדר חוויה אישית שאיננה מעידה על כלום."
"אמי נפטרה לפני 24 שנה ונקברה בבית קברות קטן בכפר סמיר שלמרגלות הר הכרמל. 12 שנה
After her death, my wife's mother died, and was buried two hundred meters away from her. One day I visited
in the cemetery. On my mother's tombstone, a dove sat peacefully. A few minutes later I started walking
towards my mother-in-law's grave, and the dove hovered over me and accompanied me all the way. understand all
The tombstones finally rested on the grave of my wife's mother. When I got home I immediately called my friend
who is interested in mysticism, and he interrupted me in the middle of the story and told me that this scenario is known in literature
שעוסקת בגלגולי נשמות, ושרוחה של אחת משתי הנשים נמצאת בציפור הזאת."
(Dudo Dotan, entertainer)
The birds, it turns out, do not limit themselves to the Dotan family only. A few weeks ago he told
יאיר לפיד בתוכניתו אנקדוטה משפחתית דומה. "אני בא ממשפחה חילונית אדוקה," אמר,
"שהיוצא מן הכלל היחיד שלה היתה סבתא הלן שהיה בה משהו לא מוסבר." בהמשך תיאר לפיד
How on the day the grandmother died, her daughter, writer Shulamit Lapid, went home to prepare food
to seven A small bird came in through the window and sat on the refrigerator. To Shulamit Lapid, said Yair,
She had the feeling that it was Grandma Helen who had come to say hello, so after fifteen minutes or so she called her father
וסיפרה לו שציפור קטנה עם מקור שחור-כחול ארוך ביקרה בבית. "ציפור עם כתם צהוב על
החזה?", שאל האב. "כן," היא השיבה, "איך אתה יודע?". "כי היא יושבת עכשיו על המקרר
שלי," הוא ענה.
שולמית לפיד לא ממש שמחה להגיב על הדברים: "זה מקרה חד פעמי ושולי. אני לא מאמינה
Irrational, doesn't believe in mysticism and doesn't want to contribute to practicing it. to get a rational explanation
We need Zvi Yanai to explain mathematically what the chances are of meeting two such identical birds in the mound
"צירופי מקרים רבים ניתן להסביר מבחינה מתימטית," ממלא ינאי את חלקו בנאמנות. "אפשר
to check whether an event could or could not have happened statistically. But some people don't
They believe in coincidences, that for them everything happens because it has a reason. To this I say:
צדיק באמונתו יחיה."
"ההסבר במקרים כאלו הוא שאין הסבר," אומר ד"ר בן דב. "לעולם לא נדע אם מדובר
by accident or significant event. The meaning a person gives to the things he experiences is not related to natural laws
but to a human context. That's why these events are powerful. They have no scientific existence, because it is not a thing
שקיים מחוץ להקשר האנושי."
"בתחילת השנה עברתי תקופה מאוד לא קלה. קשר ארוך, שהייתי בטוחה שיוביל לחתונה,
Ends. After the breakup I was in a desperate situation, and my mother suggested that I consult an astrologer
from her room, which she visited once. I walked. She is a new immigrant from Russia, a musician who studied
psychology and biology. I have always believed in astrology, but I never knew anyone who could
to detail things in such a way. She made me and my ex-boyfriend a map and told me that I had come to life
The goddess with baggage from another life, that I was a doctor in one of the world wars and because of my medical negligence
Someone died, and that my mission here is to help heal. Even then I was involved in alternative medicine. She
She said I was into dancing or music, and I really was dancing for 12 years. She told me I had an accident
ways and indicated the correct year and month. She mentioned specific gynecological problems
which I suffer from and said my father had a heart attack and the month and year were correct. she can
To tell you what food you like and the color of your mother's eyes.
"לפי המפה האסטרולוגית של החבר שלי היא ידעה שאבא שלו בחו"ל, ושאסור לו לחזור לארץ
בגלל הסתבכות בפלילים. היא אמרה שגם בחו"ל מחפשים אותו, ואת זה בכלל לא ידעתי באותה
תקופה. רק אחרי חודשיים-שלושה התברר לי שזה נכון."
(A, medical secretary)
"אני חושד שהאדם עצמו פולט דברים וחצאי דברים כשהוא יושב אצל אסטרולוג," אומר פרופ'
בר אלי, "דברים בנוסח 'אמא שלי דומה לי מאוד'. אם לך יש עיניים כחולות, אז סביר שגם
Your mother has This case is simpler: her mother was there, she obviously knows what color it is
העיניים שלה."
How did she know about her past as a dancer?
"אולי בגלל החזות הרוסייה שלה היא העריכה שסביר שרקדה הרבה שנים."
Unintentionally, Prof. Bar Eli demonstrated considerable mystical abilities. The astrologer, who chose to stay
בעילום שם, מדברת רק רוסית, שפה שא', מתברר, יודעת על בוריה. "משעת הלידה, בדיוק של
עד שתי דקות, וממקום הלידה ניתן להסיק דברים על אופיו של האדם," אומרת האסטרולוגית.
"במפה האסטרולוגית של ישראל, למשל, אפשר היה לראות את אסון המסוקים. המפה הראתה אז
A serious military situation. I foresee a very difficult year. People are not happy, and if the economy doesn't improve we will be
poor This is very bad. We need to turn to a capitalist and not a socialist economy. there is a lot of
לעשות, ונגיע לזה במוקדם או במאוחר. עדיף ללכת בעקבות הסימנים."
פרופ' ליפסון: "בעזרת הפיזיקה והאסטרונומיה לא ניתן להסביר צירוף של כוכבים המשפיע
about our personal destiny. It doesn't work out with chemistry and biology either. Psychology remains. at the conference of
The Academy of Sciences in New York called 'the escape from science and common sense', explained one of the lecturers
that in the learning process there is a stage of magical thinking, similar to scientific thinking, but lacking control. nothing
in which observations, experiment or adaptation to other facts are important. This is a primitive way of thinking.
"לפני הבחירות של ,'81 כשיעקב מרידור בישר על כך שיוכל להאיר את כל רמת גן בנורה
One time, a reporter called me and asked my opinion. I answered him that it was vanity and bad temper. He asked me how
As a scientist, I can make a statement without delving into the facts. I answered him that Sam Merridor was right
So Einstein is wrong, and if Einstein is right Merridor is wrong. And when I have to decide who understands
The two believe, the decision is quite easy. I know the laws of physics well enough to say about
Some things are completely absurd, and the best example of this is astrology. which cannot
לקרות – לא קרה."
לצבי ינאי אין כוח להתרגז: "מספר האנשים המאמינים בתופעות לא רציונליות גדול יותר
Even from the one at the beginning of the century. The scientific methods simply do not answer irrational questions.
As long as the astrologer Miriam Binyamini is a sought-after interviewee and on Rosh Hashanah they are invited
אסטרולוגים לתת תחזיות נוסח 'יהיה כנראה שלום עם סוריה', אין טעם להילחם בתופעה."
"לפני חודשיים הלכתי להתייעצות אצל קוראת בסידור. היא ידעה את שמות כל בני המשפחה
Mine, including grandparents. But what surprised me the most was when she gave a strange name that I didn't recognize, and said
That the man with that name was related to my father in the past and wanted his evil. I wrote down the name, which he didn't have
No meaning to me, and when I got home I asked my father if he knew this strange name.
Dad was shocked. It was the nickname of his business partner five years ago. In my opinion, she had none
דרך להשיג את השם הזה, כי זה לא שם רשמי והוא לא מופיע ברשומות."
(A, research assistant in the field of pharmacology)
"האנשים האלה מנצלים תמימות," מוחה הרב מאיר אזרי. "לפתוח בסידור נשמע הרבה יותר
Better than opening cards or playing with a needle. If God is speaking to her, I wonder what arrangement it is
מעדיף, אשכנזי או ספרדי."
ד"ר גרין בכל זאת מחפש הסבר: "הבחורה מכירה כנראה את הבעיות של אביה בתת ההכרה. אם
The reciter in the Siddur has the mystical qualities attributed to her, and she certainly doesn't, she could
Read every book and receive the signs from the higher power, because telepathy also passes unconsciously. the power
The superior would also guide her with a chipofo or a phone book. The arrangement just adds a touch
טרה מסכימה: "אין הבדל אם קוראים בסידור או בספר טלפונים, כי זו רק דרך של הקוראת
In the arrangement to connect to the frequencies of the client. The name itself was not written in the arrangement, but in the process
reading in it he appeared in it as news. The thought is very powerful, and from it you can also draw conclusions
דברים שבעל המחשבה עצמו לא יודע."
"בערך לפני עשרים שנה, כשהייתי בת ,16 אבי נהרג או התאבד. יום לפני מותו הגיע אלינו
A senior came home from his job and there were terrible shouts. The next day he was supposed to have a meeting with
The same senior. Before the meeting he told his clerk he was going to the bathroom, and did not return. The senior left
to the bathroom and found him lying in a pool of blood shot in the head. It was not clear how
He just met his death. He didn't leave a suicide note, and the signs didn't point clearly
It implies suicide, so to this day we don't know what exactly happened.
A few weeks ago I met with a caller named Lord Aristotle. He knew the senior's name from work
My father's, my ex-husband's name, my grandmother's name. Regarding my father's death, he saw that there was
There was a big quarrel, and that my father felt that if he continued his work he would lend a hand to corruption and cast aspersions
על עצמו ועל משפחתו, ולכן התאבד."
(Hila Livni, bureau manager)
דווקא ביחס אלינו היו ללורד אריסטו בעיות התקשרות קשות: "עיתון 'העיר'? כן, אני
remember you During the period when Gal Ochovsky was the editor, they did an article about me that ruined my career. come
Eli Ari Shammai, he was sitting at my house, and I talk to him like a friend. It took me five years to restore the
The business, I lost all my clients because of this article. So I don't want to hear from you anymore.
שיהיה לך יום נעים."
And he was right, it really was a pleasant day, but Prof. Yoel Donhin does not attribute it to the credit of
אריסטו: "מגידי העתידות, שיודעים לספר לקהל, אבל אף פעם לא בחינם, מה יקרה בעתיד,
For some reason we were not given the power to predict what their future would be. I have never even heard his wonderful story
of a foolish Hasidic who paid with the best of his money and tells about the charlatan's lack of hand, for example about the fact that he
אמר לו שאמו סובלת מטחורים והנה הוא יתום כבר שלושים שנה."
"אם היו לו כוחות הוא היה יכול לזכות בטוטו," מגלה הרב אזרי חושים כלכליים בריאים,
"אבל הוא בטח יגיד שצדיקותו המרובה מונעת ממנו לנצל את הכוחות שלו בצורה כזו. הרבה
פעמים לא קשה לראות על אנשים את הבעיות שלהם, והרבה פעמים האינטואיציה מספיקה."
"הסיאנס הראשון שבו השתתפתי היה בטיול שנתי בכיתה י"ב. הרוח הראשונה שהעלינו נקראה
luck We asked if she could give a physical sign of her existence, she answered yes and spelled you on the board
The word 'photograph'. We asked what kind of photography, and she said 7. After the trip, we developed the film. Image
Number seven came out weird, burned out with weird clouds, even though all the other pictures were fine.
"באותו סיאנס העליתי את רוחו של אבא שלי, שנפטר שנה קודם לכן מסרטן ריאות. שאלנו
The same thing he got rid of, and the glass moved to 'drug', which is the cigarettes. I asked if he had anything to say, and he did
He said 'sorry'. I was tense and shocked that the glass was moving at all. I cried and my friends calmed me down
me. In my opinion, there is no way that someone pushed the cup. We are good friends, and if one of us worked
On the others it would have been revealed over the years. Over time we discovered that without the concentration and fear, the conversations
עם הרוחות נעשות שטותיות מהר מאוד."
(Persian cedar, physicist)
"בלבנו פנימה אנחנו מאמינים שיש משהו מעבר לחיים האלה," אומר פרופ' בר אלי, "וסיאנס
Just taking that belief one step further. None of us would dare to take his deceased relative
and give it to the lions in the safari. Most people would be shocked at the idea, though
שמבחינה רציונלית זה הבל."
But that doesn't explain how the cup moves.
"כולם רוצים שהכוס תזוז ל'כן' כששואלים אם יש רוח בסביבה, אחרת זה לא יהיה מעניין.
If out of the general excitement the cup moves, everyone tends to join. All the members of the séance knew that Father
שלו נפטר, וכולם גם ידעו ממה. סיגריות, סרטן, סם, כולם מתחילים בסמ"ך, לכן סביר
שלשם תזוז הכוס. יש לי תחושה שאם אף אחד לא היה מזיז אותה, הכוס לא היתה זזה."
טרה לא מטילה ספק באמינות הסיפור: "כנראה שהיה משהו לא פתור בין ארז לאביו, וזו
There was an opportunity to release the cargo. Many times processes of death are not completely perfect,
And particles of feelings remain here as unfinished things. This is what appears in the séances. The fear is
Catalyst. This is the principle: because the participants are afraid, they attract to them things that will scare them.
לכן כשהם לא מפחדים, לא קורה כלום."
So why when they are not afraid do not come happy spirits?
"אין רוחות כאלה ברמה של סיאנס."
הרב אזרי לא מתרשם: "להעלות מתים כדי לשחק משחק זה עוד איכשהו בסדר, אבל יש אנשים
who do a séance to get direction in life, and I don't accept that. I participated in all kinds of experiments
כאלו בצעירותי. לא השתכנעתי."
גם פרופ' ליפסון לא משוכנע: "אני חושב שאם היו שמים מצלמות וידיאו בסיאנס, היו
They find out that nothing happened there. This story reminds me of a passage from Huxley's Life Sciences: Heir
The British king traveled with his entourage to India, and there they met a fakir who performed a miracle: he cut the
His assistant to pieces and then brought him back to life. Everyone saw it. almost as wonderful as
the séance But the crown prince was taking pictures during the whole event, and when he developed the pictures he wasn't there
Nothing from all these sights. It was all in the imagination. I don't know how everyone imagined the same thing,
אבל לשם שינוי אלה עובדות."
"בעלי נפטר לפני שבע שנים. לאחר פטירתו עזבתי את דירתנו המשותפת וחזרתי לשם כעבור
Six months. When I cleaned up the house, I found two international licenses. I opened his and said
To myself out loud: 'Oh, Tzvika'. At that second a light bulb exploded above me. Another time I came back with
A friend in a taxi, and the second I mentioned Zvika's name the small lamp above us went out.
"בהתכנסות אחת אצל חברים דיברנו על גלגול נשמות, וכולם צחקו על האמונות שלי.
As we left the house together, a whole row of street lamps went out in that second. There is also a funny story:
One morning I woke up and felt the whole bed move. I turned on the light and saw that an image fell on me
the floor The first thing I did was to open the window, because I thought that Zvika's soul was trapped
בחדר ומנסה למצוא דרך החוצה. אחר כך הודיעו בחדשות שהיתה רעידת אדמה."
(Hani Nahmias, actress)
"במקרים האלה האמת היא בעיני המתבונן," נאנח ביאוש ד"ר גרין, "רק אנשים שמעוניינים
to receive reinforcements and search for explanations and interpretations from here to a new announcement for events
פשוטים וחסרי משמעות."
הרב מאיר אזרי דווקא מבין ללבה של נחמיאס: "רבים חווים את התחושות האלה. אבי נפטר
13 years ago and I also saw him in my dreams. Each person talks and communicates with their departed loved ones
לעולמם. זה לגיטימי."
"נשמתו של צביקה חזרה בתור אנרגיה," מבהירה טרה. "הרי אנרגיה לא נגמרת. לפי דעתי
הוא בא להגיד שלום."
Why give hints, and not write hello on a note that will be clear?
"אסור להתערב. מותר לתת רק רמז."
פרופ' דונחין אינו מאמין ברמזים: "רק לתמימים המייחסים חשיבות לקולות הבאים מהאוב,
For the cards mixed with the coffee grounds that are placed on a pendulum located on the life lines of a spoon
Hand, all these stories are entertaining. These will continue to believe in every letter and sign, but never
יקשיבו להיגיון, לתבונה או לדברי ביקורת."
"חברתי חבצלת התחילה ללמוד אבחון בתמונות, וביקשה ממני תמונות כדי להתאמן. נתתי לה
Two pictures of women she didn't know: my husband's mother and his friend from the north of the country. on the picture
My mother-in-law said she felt a black space, especially in the stomach area, and she really died of cancer
Colon. On her friend's photo, she said: 'This girl has trouble getting pregnant, but
I feel contractions in my uterus. I feel like she's pregnant now.' I called and inquired,
And she really was pregnant, which didn't last.
"מאוחר יותר הידידה מהצפון השאירה לנו הודעה שיש לה בשורות לא טובות. חבצלת פנתה
to her pendulum and said: 'Her husband decided to break up the package and they are divorcing. I see a court'.
כעבור שבוע וחצי נודע לנו שבעלה באמת החליט לעזוב במפתיע."
(Michal, architect)
"אני מכניסה את עצמי למדיטציה ואז אני יכולה לראות צבעים שונים ולהרגיש אם התמונה
חמה מדי," אומרת חבצלת קוברובסקי, הקוראת בתמונות. "יש לי מטוטלת מקריסטל, ואני
Asking her questions. She turns around, and I can understand her answers. i do too
ייעוץ משפחתי לפי תמונות ונעזרת בנומרולוגיה. מתי נולדת?"
"נכון שקשה לך לפעמים לקבל החלטות?"
טרה לא מתרגשת מההישג: "אני מכירה הרבה אנשים שיכולים לקחת תמונה ודרכה לקרוא
diseases. Diseases are the easiest, because they happen in the physical body, but you can also see potential
למחלות ברמות אנרגטיות שונות."
"לכל הסיפורים הללו תכונה משותפת אחת," אומר פרופ' ליפסון בצער. "משהו בסיפור נוגד
What is known in science. That is why it is mystical. According to science, it is impossible to read in pictures. So there is
A mistake in science or there is a mistake in the story. The difference between scientific facts and apparent facts, which contradict the
Science is that scientific facts are tested and tested from every direction. On the other hand, no one
מהסיפורים האלה לא עמד במבחן מדעי."
"כשבתי היתה בת שש היא סבלה מסטרפטוקוקוס בגרון לעתים קרובות מאוד. רופאת
The otolaryngologist recommended penicillin injections, and I already bought the stuff, but the nurse told me
That the girl will need preparation, because the injection hurts. My son, who was four at the time, also had a problem
speech, which bothered him a lot in kindergarten. I decided I had nothing to lose and took them to a healer in the name
"במהלך הטיפולים הייתי עם הילדים בחדר. ההילר לא נגע בילדה שלי, ולא השתמש במכשיר
some, and my girl cried in pain. His hands were about a foot away from her. sometimes
He got a little closer. Once, when I was holding her and he was taking care of her neck, which was close to mine, I felt
Heat from his hands. When he took care of my child the child said he felt tickled inside. the improvement
His speech is evident from meeting to meeting, and after five treatments he started to speak normally. since
הטיפולים עברו שנתיים והבת שלי חלתה בסטרפטוקוקוס רק פעם אחת."
(Dana, accountant)
לאה, אשתו של ההילר מוריס, מסבירה איך זה עובד: "מוריס מעביר אנרגיה לגוף. יש לו
X-ray in the eyes, which allows him to see the hidden. When someone comes with a tumor he can see where
It is and in what size, and transfer focused energy to the place itself. He knows how to direct people, to cause
to them for self-awareness. As Morris says: 'The body and the mind are one'. When there is a serious mental problem,
הגוף מדבר."
פרופ' דב ליכטנברג, סגן דיקן בפקולטה לרפואה, לא פוסל את הדברים על הסף: "לא את כל
The physical forces we understand. I think it's worth investigating in a wonderful way from us, because not everything
אנחנו יכולים להבין."
פרופ' עורי מציע ניסוי. "הבעיה היא שאין לילדים האלה קבוצת ביקורת," הוא אומר. "כדי
To test the issue seriously, a large group of children with recurrent throat infections should be taken.
who suffer from this and such incidents for such and such years, give ten antibiotics, ten give
Vitamins, ten to soak in hot water and ten to take to healer. This is the way to check, certainly not based on
Anecdotal story. We will never know if the girl, for example, did not stop getting sick simply because we are adults
Less sensitive, or simply believing that the treatment helps. Science and medicine have no basis to believe
There is a person in the universe whose energies are getting out of hand. If this phenomenon was a measurement, there already were
מגלים אותה."
The mother says she felt heat emanating from his hands.
"אני חושב שמדובר באוטוסוגסטיה קשה מאוד. זה מה שהיא ציפתה להרגיש, וזה מה שהיא
ינאי לא חושב שהכל צריך להסביר: "חובת ההוכחה היא על המספר. אני מוכן לתת לו את
Credit that it actually happened. People who are in trouble are those who think the rationality of the world
You are hurt if you cannot give an answer to everything, but you can leave a whole field of events sharp
Twice without explanation. Science has no obligation to provide an answer to all vanity and ill will, and there is no need to get excited
Talking that has no answer. It is a grave mistake to try to disprove such stories with scientific tools.
אנשי המדע הם לא האורקל מדלפי." *
The knowledge website was part of the IOL portal from the Haaretz group until 2002
All the stories are nonsense, the only impressive thing is the séance.
I have never participated in a séance, and I don't know if the tellers are telling the truth or liars, but if they are telling the truth, then the explanations are really inadequate.
היום יש מעט מאוד מקובלים הרוב הם יותר מקבלים כסף מאשר מקובלים המקובלם האמתי הוא לא מפורסם לא מקבל כל מיני ידוענים יושב ולומד יום וליל ותחבא אל הכלים לא מחפש פרסום צנוע ברדך כלל סגפן וצנוע אז לכל ההולכים לבבואות למינהם חבל על הכסף שאתם זורקים על שרלטנים לסוגהם יש בעיה אתם רוצים פתרון תרימו עניים לשמים תגידו פרק תהילים ותאמינו שיש בורא לעולם ווהכל יהיה בסדר בעזרת ה'אל תשכחו יש לנו אבא בשמים שדואג לנו