The study revealed that small changes in salt concentrations and temperature can cause critical structural changes in myelin - the substance that wraps and insulates the nerve fibers, and is damaged in multiple sclerosis patients. The study was published this week (15.10) in the journal PNAS

Research in the biophysics laboratory of Prof. Roi Beck-Barkai at the School of Physics of Tel Aviv University points for the first time to a clear connection between physiological conditions that prevail in the body - salt concentrations and temperature, and structural changes in the myelin that wraps the nerve fibers, a distinct symptom of multiple sclerosis.
The research was conducted by PhD student Rona Shahrabani, in collaboration with PhD student Maor Ram-On from the research group of Prof. Yeshayahu Talmon at the Technion, and it was published last night (15.10) in the journal PNAS.
"About 2.3 million people in the world today suffer from multiple sclerosis - an autoimmune degenerative disease that affects the central nervous system and can cause severe disability and even death," explains Prof. Beck-Barkai. "The disease is characterized by the destruction of a substance called myelin, which wraps the nerve fibers that conduct electrical signals from the brain to the various organs of the body. The assumption is that the process occurs when the immune system attacks the myelin, but to this day it is not clear how the immune system manages to penetrate the myelin, and there is also no medicine that cures the disease. We, as biophysicists, sought to examine the physical, physiological and structural aspect of the process that damages myelin."
"Our intelligent body knows how to maintain a constant physiological environment, which includes an optimal temperature and appropriate concentrations of various salts," adds PhD student Rona Shahrabani. "In such a normal state, myelin is formed in a process of self-organization of proteins and fatty acids, which together form a multi-layered shell in the form of a 'roll' (lamellar phase) around the nerve fibers. In MS patients, on the other hand, the sheath undergoes a structural change, and gradually takes on a perforated 'honeycomb' shape (hexagonal phase). In this situation, the cells of the immune system can penetrate into the myelin, and attack it from the inside. We wanted to check if the structural changes in myelin might be caused by local changes in the physiological environment - that is, in the types and concentrations of salts and temperature."
The researchers put all the biological components of myelin in a test tube - fatty acids and proteins - in a ratio that exactly mimics the ratio of quantities between them in normal myelin, and exposed them to different physiological environments. Thus environments of five types of salts - potassium, sodium, magnesium, calcium and zinc - were tested, in different concentrations, as well as varying temperatures. The findings revealed that indeed, a small change in the physiological concentration of each of the salts individually can cause a change in the structure of the myelin formed in the test tube - from a healthy 'roll' to the 'honeycomb' that characterizes multiple sclerosis. It was also found that the same structural change was also created at a temperature exceeding 42 degrees Celsius.
Old knowledge, new direction
"In fact, already at the end of the 19th century, about 120 years ago, doctors knew that a multiple sclerosis patient who entered a hot bath experienced an attack of the disease, and even used this phenomenon for diagnostic purposes," concludes Prof. Beck-Barkai. "Also, it is possible that local indicators of relatively high salt concentrations will be found in multiple sclerosis patients. But to date no one has examined how (if at all) these data are related to the development of the disease in the body. The findings of our basic-physical research shine a spotlight on an 'outside the box' idea that does not We will examine so far, and open a door to new research directions regarding multiple sclerosis, which is currently considered incurable. We hope with all our hearts that our colleagues who are engaged In medical research they will 'lift the glove', and they will use our insights to try to identify the causes of the disease and develop an accurate diagnosis, and perhaps in the future even an effective cure, for the serious disease."
12 תגובות
"A professor who treats his method and also trained other doctors in the same method, as of 2015, claims that about 4500 patients have passed under his doctors. The results are close to 100 percent."
If he does claim so - let him bring evidence to that effect. I bet there is no evidence for that. I mean - this claim is simply a lie. Sometimes you have to call a child by his name.
Most rebels are dangerous charlatans. Supporters of homeopathy, opponents of vaccines and their friends - they are murderers. They kill children, knowing full well, because of greed.
The rebels who were right, like the Australians Warren and Marshall, operated with a scientific method. They did blind studies with control groups, peer-reviewed studies.
That professor you talked about is a dangerous criminal. Unfortunately, there are innocent people (like you and probably Batya) who prefer to believe this rubbish and not deal with learning the subject from reliable sources. Or worse - unable to admit that they cannot understand scientific science.
Nissim, the treatment that Bethya responded to is a treatment that costs up to $20 per month.
That is, a treatment of about NIS 70 per month.
The professor who treats his method and has also trained other doctors in the same method, as of 2015, claims that about 4500 patients have passed under his doctors. The results are close to 100 percent.
The result - complete suppression of future disease symptoms. and the disappearance of symptoms that appeared one year after the start of treatment, complete disappearance. It is about two years of treatment and follow-up at the clinic.
Symptoms that are older than a year ago from the moment the treatment began, can also improve and disappear, but it already takes much longer.
In addition, I believe that the professor himself does not directly see money from the treatment, and the money itself comes out I assume on the vitamin itself (vitamin D).
The professor is not against western medicine, it is actually part of the system. He simply identified a connection between vitamin D and autoimmune diseases, and through trial and error came up with a therapeutic method that does not include drugs in this case (because it is a vitamin as mentioned).
And such approaches will reach conventional medicine maybe in 20 years after studies and experiments, etc.
As they say, today's rebels are tomorrow's norm. (See the value of human history... almost anything).
her daughter
Maybe just refer to what I wrote?
Although there is no drug development here, there are values of substances to avoid reaching, and temperature values. There is a benefit in that
The scientific article
Sounds very important
There is an excellent movie called "The Story of Will Hunting" I highly recommend you watch it. Also for everyone.
This film is excellent not because a gifted young man rebels against conventions, but because of one scene in which the psychologist (Robin Williams) explains to the gifted young man (Matt Damon) why all his knowledge is worth nothing without experiencing the places he has read about or without personally knowing the psychological and other subjects that he talking about them
This section is very useful for you to study and internalize.
And with that I will finish.
Have a good Shabbat.
her daughter
Of course you attack me personally and not the content of what I wrote.
You also attack the health systems without any basis.
You wrote "You write what you write from reading articles, books, etc.". Atz claims that your personal experience is better than medical studies? Everyone who investigates is a liar and a thief in your eyes?
Maybe the problem is with you? Some Dunning-Kruger? 🙂
Nissim, I've known your comments for a long time.
You write what you write from reading articles, books and the like.
It doesn't seem to me that you had a close connection to any of the diseases mentioned in the correspondence here.
Unfortunately, I have a lot of experience with all medical systems.
Including the same American system that is based on money more than research, and falsifies research as if it were about giving candy.
Have a good day.
her daughter
Conventional medicine is medicine that has been proven to work. that's it. Alternative medicine is medicine that has not been proven to work, or has been proven not to work (homeopathy for example).
msm has been tested a few times and its effectiveness is very questionable. Glucosamine, the MSM cousin has been shown not to work.
It is not true to say that most drugs only cause harm - in my opinion, this is beyond impudence. Conventional drugs have (at least) doubled life expectancy.
Medicines and complementary therapies only caused suffering and death. Of course - there are those who got rich from this garbage. There is no limit to evil.
Shlomi Assaf, thank you. Read. exciting.
It's just a shame that conventional medicine is afraid of the good and simple solutions,
and often offers drugs that only destroy the body even more.
A similar story happens in the context of joint pain: instead of giving patients an addition of msm, which has long been proven to be very effective, doctors insist on continuing to give harmful drugs against the pain.
Check the Coimbra protocol
There is an effective medicine. My wife has primary progressive sclerosis. We live in Brazil and her doctor, a university professor here developed a treatment based mainly on vitamin D. All her symptoms disappeared and the absolute majority of the scars along the length of her spine and brain disappeared completely.
The doctor (neurology) trains different doctors in the world (most of them in Germany) and there are endless works and websites and videos that talk about it. His method works on any disease related to the immune system.
Please don't interpret my message with classic Western disdain. My wife and many other people here in Brazil, Europe and America, have either recovered or are living amazingly with the disease (not only sclerosis, but also Crohn's, fibromyalgia, arthritis, lupus and psoriasis, and he is also having success with Parkinson's and autism)
I'm really begging you, read about his method. My wife tried steroids and suffered badly. His method saved her life. He is not a charlatan and his method has proven success cases. Anyone interested in more details is welcome to contact my email