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The Ministry of R&D recommends formulating a multi-year master plan for R&D in the field of space and an appropriate budgetary framework

The National Research and Development Council (NRDC), which was asked to formulate a policy necessary for the State of Israel with regard to R&D in the field of space, reached a number of conclusions and formulated the following recommendations:

The control room of Ofek Batza satellites
The control room of Ofek Batza satellites

The MLMRP recommends establishing a special committee to formulate a multi-year national plan for the issue of space, with government involvement in R&D according to the needs of the State of Israel. Representatives of the Space Agency, the Ministry of Defense, the chief scientist at TMT, the academy, representatives of the leading companies in the field, and the Ministry of Defense will take part in the committee.
Israel's security needs will be included in the master plan, a budgetary framework will be established that will help achieve the necessary goals, for investments in space issues among academia, the security system and industry, and additional national R&D tasks will be taken into account.

The Council recommends defining as a national strategic mission, placing the State of Israel as a leading country in the field of space, in targeted issues, to preserve the security, scientific, technological and industrial achievements, while continuing cooperation with the space community in the world.

Among the conclusions reached by the council, among others:
- The council recognized that the "Ofek" satellite program created strategic deterrence depth and intelligence superiority for the State of Israel in the region, and its contribution is great and unquestionable.
- The space infrastructures established since 1984 are seen as a "national asset" that gives Israel a special status among the international community.
- The space R&D activity constitutes a national junction for the meeting of science, technology, military and civilian industry together, which means - national security.
- The contributions and outputs of the space sector created a synergy between the national, scientific, technological, and economic resilience.
- The Israeli space community has learned how to integrate into the space programs of various countries, which contribute greatly to the promotion of international cooperation.

The National Research and Development Council sees its recommendations as a principled support for the vital existence of a space anchor program for Israel.

The recommendations were submitted by the chairman of the MoLMDF, Prof. Oded Abramski to the Minister of Science and Technology and the chairman of the Ministerial Committee for Science and Technology, Prof. Daniel Hershkowitz.

Photo courtesy of Amir Bohbot and Ether NRG-Maariv


  1. Turn, everything that motivated and motivates the space programs in the various countries except Japan and the European Union is the consideration of national security.

  2. Everything is wonderful, but where is the list of recommendations? How much will it cost the taxpayer? And who will be able to cut the fat coupon.

  3. "Space Power" - If Israel is a space power then there are probably more than a friend of space powers in the world. If national security is the consideration at work here, then failure is guaranteed.

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