International verification of an Israeli physicist's theory from 16 years ago

Prof. Zvi Lipkin hypothesized already in 1987 that there is also a structure of 5 quarks in nature; Recent experiments in particle accelerators have verified the theory

quarksThe discovery may help "to understand what happened after the big bang and why the world we know is composed of certain materials in a certain ratio (a lot of carbon, a lot of iron) and not other materials in a different ratio." This is how the physicist Prof. Zvi Lipkin explained to "Haaretz" the importance of the results of experiments conducted in Russia, the USA and Japan, which verified his theory from 1987 on the subject of quarks (the smallest particles of matter until now only two structures were known in which the quarks are arranged: of a pair of quarks and a structure of three. Lipkin already claimed 16 years ago that there is also a structure of Five. Indeed, in experiments conducted in particle accelerators, a new structure was discovered - "penta-quark" in the 19th century. Scientists then believed that atoms are the smallest particle in nature that atoms are made up of smaller parts - electrons, neutrons and protons - and that all atoms are made up of their combination, but these three are not either The fundamental particles: In the 60s, scientists realized that protons and neutrons were formed from smaller particles, "quarks". Their "life" quarks are actual kicks for everything, with properties like mass and electric charge. As far as is known, these particles were abundant during the "Big Bang".

According to the quark theory, two types of quarks - "down" and "up" - are sufficient to explain the structure of protons and neutrons: a proton is made of two up quarks and one down quark, and the neutron is made of two down quarks and one up quark. Science has classified four other types of quarks: "strange", "magical", "beauty" and "truth". From experiments it turned out that a quark cannot exist alone and must have a partner or two. They found that there are only two categories of quark structures: a structure of three quarks called a baryon, and a structure of a quark and an antiquark called
"food" (every quark has an anti-quark). When a lot of energy was invested to produce many quarks, they immediately arranged themselves into bullion and food structures (for example: eight quarks arranged themselves into two triples and a pair).

However, Prof. Lipkin predicted that although the scientists do not find additional structures, there exists in nature another structure consisting of five quarks; The structure was called in the science books "exotic bully". In recent years, results have accumulated from experiments in particle acceleration facilities, from which it emerged that the pentagonal structure does exist.

However, the composition of the quarks inside the "penta-quark" is different from the composition predicted by Lipkin. The discovered structure is of one "up" quark, two "down" quarks, to which a pair of quarks are adjacent: one "up" quark and a "strange" antiquark. It was also discovered that this structure exists for a few fractions of a second, after which it disintegrates into two other structures: a neutron (composed of the three quarks) and a particle known as "+K" (composed of an "up" quark and a "strange" antiquark).
 Courtesy of Yuval Dror.

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