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Space Association - Commemoration of the Columbia disaster: February 1, 19:30 PM at the Air Force Base in Herzliya

The Israel Space Association is holding a commemorative night on the one year anniversary of the Columbia disaster, with the assistance of the Fisher Space Research Institute. The evening will take place on the anniversary of the disaster (according to the foreign calendar), at 19:30 at the Air Force House at 15 Jabotinsky St., Herzliya

 Conference program (final)

19:30 – 20:00 – gathering.
20:00 – 20:15 – Opening remarks – Avi Blizovsky, author of the book "The Crash".
20:15 – 21:00 – Dodi Zusiman – “STS-107 – The Flight That Didn't Return”
21:00 - 22:00 - Tal Inbar - "Space - the next 30 years - following Bush's speech"
21:45 – 22:00 – Closing remarks and invitation to Yitzhak Mayo's next lecture on March 1.3

At the end of the lectures, there will be an astronomical observation using telescopes, and a marathon of space movies will be shown.

The entrance fee (to cover expenses) is 25 NIS (for members of the Space Association and those who register in advance - 20 NIS). All the speakers at the event do so politely.

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